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Road accident wound remedy. Help please!



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  • Road accident wound remedy. Help please!

    My girlfriend and I got into a motorbike accident about four days ago in Siargao Island. The road was dark and muddy, and the bike just went out of control. We don’t really have severe wounds but I can’t really say we only walked away with scratches. I have wounds on my left hand with moderate pain in my right torso. My gf, on the other hand, has a big wound on her knee and another one on her elbow.
    We immediately applied first aid treatment on our wounds. Applied some Betadine solution and did hot compress. We’re both wondering what else to do for the daily maintenance. How often do we need to dress our wounds? Do I need to do hot compress on my torso daily? We’re out of Siargao already and in Davao to support her brother who’s attending an asian date tour so any medication is already accessible. Thanks guys

  • #2
    Knowing the fastest way to heal a wound could save you from almost anything, including your life. Why do I say that? You probably live in the fast lane of life. If something isn't immediately resolved, you may not give it the attention it needs, allowing it become chronic, fester or worse.

    So knowing how to heal a wound quickly is likely to be of greater significance to you than at first glance.

    People usually thing of topical treatment as THE healing medium for wounds. Important though that may be, it isn't as important as taking a treatment internally. But not just any treatment.

    First, let's look at an incredible topical treatment for open wounds. It's called Hypercal. And you'll only find it stocked at homeopathic pharmacies or homeopathic clinics. Although the cream is the most common way of producing Hypercal, I prefer to have it in a liquid form. This is because a cream is not the best treatment for burns.

    And I like to be able to have just one topical treatment, that is effective for all wounds. Then I don't have to think in an emergency.

    It's also really important to keep the wound exposed to the air. This may be inconvenient, depending on where the wound is and if it's still bleeding. But try to uncover it as much as you can and for as long as you can.

    But by far the most important ingredient for the fastest way to heal a wound is to take the homeopathic medicine Arnica orally. Arnica will not only heal your wound in the fastest way possible, it will also remove or reduce any pain of the injury, prevent tetanus or any other infection and remove any fear that may be associated with the injury.

    BUT, it's important not to use Arnica topically on an open wound, as it may irritate it. It's better to purchase the medicine Arnica and take it orally. Then you can never make that mistake. And it works far better than the topical cream or gel.


    • #3
      Firstly, you need to identify the type of wound. Different scratches and cuts require different care.

      Scratches - these are the quickest healing sores. You need to wait for the liquid to clot so that you can apply a waterproof plaster over. You want to use a waterproof plaster because the plaster needs to stay on as long as possible to avoid any bacteria from entering your body. You might not need to add a plaster because of how quickly the skin heals.

      Burns - If you ever get burned, the best way to treat it would be to apply a soothing gel. Cells have been damaged by the extreme heat and the skin is quite sensitive. Control the pain by either adding Aloe Vera products or aqueous creams.

      Flesh Wounds - You might notice that these refuse to close up in short periods of time and often leave you with permanent scars. Before patching it up, you need to hold up the area which is bleeding above your head. This stops blood from escaping from that part of your body. Eventually, it should clot up and it will be safe to relax your body. Keep this wound open so that it can dry out. It's also a good idea to gently pat antiseptic chemicals on whilst you are healing. Thereafter, put a bandage around the area so that you are protected from the skin breaking and give the wound a chance to heal. You need to free the area of any bacteria as much as possible.

      Vein Hit - Perhaps you slip and fall, and end up on a piece of broken glass. Accidents happen so quickly. You never know what could happen. You need to apply as much pressure as you possibly can to this area. The more pressure you apply, the less blood will escape. Once again, you should hold this part of your body above your head so that not a lot of blood gets released. You will also need to apply ice to thicken the blood.

