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My boyfriend has a smelly armpit. Should I tell him?



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  • My boyfriend has a smelly armpit. Should I tell him?

    My boyfriend really has a smelly armpit and I can’t tell him that directly. I don’t want him to get upset. I love him but I don’t have the courage to tell him that. Some of my friends told me jokingly that love is indeed blind. When we were out at the mall one time, a group of young Shenyang women even noticed it. I don’t want him to become a talk of town but telling him right to his face that his armpit is really stinky made me want to run away. Should I tell him in a joke way so that it won’t appear insulting or should I tell him seriously? But how? How should I tell him he has a smelly armpit without making him feel insulted?

  • #2
    The best thing to do is to buy him a deodorant as a gift. From time to time ask him if he uses the deodorant. This will pass a subtle message to him even without speaking.


    • #3
      You could forge a story of someone you knew who had a smelly armpit, but started bathing regularly and using a specific body spray and eventually the the problem was solved. You can then tell him to try it out.


      • #4
        honesty is best in a relationship. i am sure you would appreciate it if roles were reversed. playing games in a relationship usually fails. he will probably thank you and trust you more after this discussion.


        • #5
          I agree with the deodorant idea even shower gel.

