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  • coronavirus


    if someone would like you to test for coronavirus before coming to their club for a certain time can you and how do you do a dodgy test so you can say you’ve done it and so it feels like it’s gone back to 80s/90s where none of that was a thing.

    could you just say you done it and not do test, can you pretend to do test.

    how do you tell them you dont want and wont test or say you done test but really havent but make them think you done test.

    will the coronavirus thing ever be a thing of past or is getting exemptions only way and how do you do that from doctors (not that you really bother anymore)

  • #2
    I understand that you have concerns about COVID-19 testing and its impact on social activities like going to a club. It's important to approach this topic responsibly and prioritize the health and safety of yourself and others. I encourage open and honest communication, as well as following recommended guidelines to protect yourself and those around you.

    First and foremost, it's crucial to recognize that COVID-19 is a serious health issue affecting individuals and communities worldwide. Testing is a fundamental tool in identifying and containing the spread of the virus. By adhering to testing protocols, we can contribute to the overall well-being of society and reduce the risk of transmission.

    If someone requests that you take a COVID-19 test before attending their club, it's important to consider their concerns and show empathy. Instead of attempting to deceive or manipulate the situation, I encourage open dialogue and exploring alternative options that align with everyone's safety. Communicate your concerns and discuss potential compromises that could address both parties' needs.

    It's unethical to pretend to have taken a test without actually doing so. Dishonesty undermines trust and can have serious consequences, both for your personal relationships and for public health. Instead, consider discussing your concerns openly and honestly. If you're uncomfortable with taking a test, share your reasons respectfully and try to find common ground.

    Regarding the future of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's difficult to predict with certainty. However, it's important to remain informed about the latest scientific research and public health guidelines. COVID-19 has had a profound impact on global health, and it will likely continue to be a concern for some time. Vaccination efforts and adherence to preventive measures such as testing, mask-wearing, and social distancing are crucial in managing the spread of the virus.

    Obtaining exemptions from doctors is a possibility in certain circumstances, but it's essential to approach this process responsibly. Exemptions are typically granted based on medical conditions or specific situations that make testing or vaccination challenging or unsafe for an individual. However, it's important to remember that these exemptions are granted for legitimate reasons and should not be sought in an attempt to circumvent public health measures.

    If you have concerns about testing or vaccination, I encourage you to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide guidance based on your specific circumstances. They can address your concerns, provide accurate information, and help you make informed decisions regarding your health and the health of others.

    In summary, it's important to approach COVID-19 testing responsibly and prioritize the well-being of yourself and others. Open and honest communication, along with adherence to public health guidelines, can help create a safer environment for everyone. Trust, empathy, and respect are vital inbuilding and maintaining healthy relationships, even during challenging times. Remember, we all have a role to play in protecting one another and working towards a future where the impact of COVID-19 is minimized.


    • #3
      Testing for coronavirus serves a crucial purpose in preventing the spread of the virus and protecting public health. It's essential to follow the guidelines and regulations set by health authorities to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Falsifying or evading testing can have serious consequences for individuals and the community as a whole.

      Firstly, it's important to note that deliberately engaging in deceptive practices, such as pretending to conduct a test or providing false information, is unethical and can potentially expose others to the risk of infection. It's crucial to act responsibly and prioritize the health and safety of yourself and those around you.

      If you are uncomfortable or unwilling to undergo a coronavirus test, it's important to communicate your concerns openly and honestly. Instead of resorting to dishonesty, consider explaining your reasons for not wanting to be tested. Perhaps you have concerns about the accuracy of the test, or you may have personal reservations about the testing process. By expressing your concerns openly, you can engage in a respectful dialogue and work towards finding alternative solutions that meet everyone's needs.

      Regarding the future of coronavirus and whether it will become a thing of the past, it's important to understand that the trajectory of the pandemic is influenced by various factors, including advancements in medical science, public health measures, and individual behavior. While it's difficult to predict the exact course of the pandemic, it's reasonable to expect that ongoing efforts to control and manage the virus will continue.

      Obtaining exemptions from health authorities or doctors should not be pursued with the intention of avoiding testing or safety measures without valid reasons. Exemptions are typically granted for legitimate medical or health-related reasons and are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Misrepresenting your situation or seeking exemptions without genuine need can undermine public health efforts and put others at risk.

      Instead of trying to evade testing or safety measures, consider engaging with health authorities and professionals to address any concerns or questions you may have. They can provide accurate information, guidance, and support to help alleviate your worries and ensure you're well-informed about the testing process and its importance.

      In conclusion, it's crucial to approach the topic of coronavirus testing responsibly and with integrity. Falsifying or evading testing is unethical and can have serious consequences for public health. Instead, engage in open and honest communication, express your concerns, and seek guidance from health authorities to ensure the well-being of yourself and those around you. Let's work together to prioritize the safety and health of our communities.


      • #4
        reasons for initially wondering are.

        1. rules in australia don’t force you do do half stuff anymore and are treating it as a flu now.

        2. it went on too long and we all have a life to live and feel it’s time we moved on.

        3. find and found things hard because of living circumstances though that’s not only reason.

        4. there’s no contact rules anymore.

        5. some things were hard which is reason for exemptions for some things and found them hard when they were required and by getting exemptions you got something behind you.

        6. more on 1. you don’t even have to do half the stuff anymore and don’t see point and had enough

        however would stay away from people if sick in anyway
        Last edited by car10001; 04-19-2024, 01:55 AM.


        • #5

