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He Break Up With Me But I Love Him



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  • He Break Up With Me But I Love Him
    Monday at lunch time at school here was these boy who told me he wants to go out with me I am a 6th grader Agust I go to 7th grade I have 2 weeks left for school then I have a long summer vacation and before entering 7th grade I have to put a shot it is going to hurt a lot I am 12 years old so he asked me out the day was Monday the next Monday week he breakes up with me he said he still likes me bot he is shy then my feeling where broke I still love him and he kissed a girl on the cheek he is a 7th grader I am a 6th I am 12 he is 13 June 30 he turns 14 I turn 13 November 9 he got born 2003 I got born 2004 he is taller than me I like tall boys I try to forget him bot I keant stop thinking of him and why he just broke up with just like that then he told his little brother he still wants to go out with me his brother told me and I said yes just because I still like him it is so easy to get a boyfriend for me lots of boys staire at me and they ask me out even the qutest boys in the whole middle school I get in figths with girls because it is not my fault there boyfriend likes me I haven't give my first kiss I am planning to give it in middle school because most of the boys already give there first kiss in middle school and then in high school all the boys already give there first kiss bot not me no thanks it is better in middle school the only boy I think who is quite is the boy who broke up with me because of him I am living gymnastics behind I keant do gymnastics with my worries with him and that girl well with that qute face his got he is going to get taking away fast and have lots of girl friends he is just playing with girls he doesn't take it serous ley even tho he still keeps on staring at me like if he still likes me even tho he kiss a girl I don't get all of this I am in the worst age know I get why people say don't be in a rush on growing up because you get your feelings broken with boys not fair in my age nothing can make me happy my dad take me to disney land I pretend the boy was with me I went to universal studios Pretend he was with me it was hard lots of people stared at me talking to my self also my dad my dad said let me have a boyfriend because he knows I won't listen to him if he didn't let me lots of girls do it hiding and my dad dosent want me to hide it he wants to know my first kiss and every think of how excited I get in the car I have one big sister she is 17 years old when I go to 7th grade she is going to she is going to college so she is going to graduate high school she doesn't live with me we have same mom bot not dad I am skinnier than her bot not that skinny I just simply weight less than her I weight 110 when I was 9 years old I weight 70 wow compeare to know maybey I got fatter for making fun of my big sister calling her cow laughing a lot plus I eat a lot of pizza not any more bot when I was skinny I did because like does this rime a skinny girl eating 4 slices of pizza every 2 days a week plus I put extra Greece on the pizza my dad never told me that Greece made you fat won day he told me bot I did not care a bit then most of the times I get 2 cheese burgers and some times chicken nuggets in one year I got to weight 132 I was 10 when I was 9 I weight 70 when I was close to turning ten I was already fat with a big hard stomach I don't know how bot I started gymnastics and in P.E I ran a lot I lost weight I turn 11 years old I weight 120 I am 12 years old I weight 110 lots of people didn't like me in Elementary boys always still my money and the only girl they where mean was me lots of people say that they like me because they where mean to me I said how do they like me and be mean with me I don't get it I wish I can read a boys mind that way I know how that boy will really actually like me I am planning to beat up the girl he kiss bot I wuddent figth for a boy when there is so many of them plus that girl is got friends I don't have any friends she is taller than me and is a 7th grader I think I can beat her up with all my hate bot I shud not because when they call home my mom is going to know I had a boy friend and she is to distric I wuddent dare to tell her any think bot a foun call telling her that I figth with a 7th grader for a boy I will be grounded and pour boy because my mom will do something about it my mom said if I be bad she will lock me up some where where kids are bot sad and I will never get to go to disney land or fun places until I am 18 years old wich is 6 years away from know plus I will have school in there bot with mean kids that can beat me up and not just that about the phone call what if the 7th grade girl beats me up every body will record and put it on you tube or Facebook or Instagram or where ever everybody can see it and the 8th graders and 7th graders and 6th graders and 5th graders will laugh of me probably even they will laugh of her to because we are both fighting for one boy that boy is going to be laugthing at both of us who ever gets beat up is the one he will not be with he will be with the one who is not beat up I still think that even if I win I don't win any thing not getting in trouble that boy will just be with me bot then leave me for a other girl and he won't tell me he will have her hiding my school is small so it is hard to hide that's why I see him kiss a girl in the cheek what happend if he kissed her in the mouth that will be terrible name is ruby and I think that that girls name is Bridget I got the year book with all the kid's names of all the middle school my Middle school has 5th grade and up to 8th grade also hight school bot we are not together with high school we see them some times not all the times well if you like to give me a tip of how to deal with this you can if you want I will follow it if I think it is a good idea.

  • #2
    Just as your emotions are off the chart, your ex boyfriend's are as well. This may be hard to believe given all the rude and obnoxious things he's been saying lately. You have to look past those though to the heart of why he's behaving the way he is. Men aren't as naturally skilled at dealing with difficult emotions as women are. Instead of sitting down and talking through something negative they are feeling, they prefer to lash out. Their anxiety and the feeling of being emotionally vulnerable causes some men to attack the person who made them feel those difficult emotions. Hence the reason you've become the verbal target for your ex boyfriend's anger and disappointment.

    If you dumped him, he may not let up on his unappealing behavior for some time. He's working through his emotions and until he does that, he'll continue to wear the cap of a major jerk. The only thing you can do to remedy this is to separate yourself from him. By creating some distance you'll be showing him that you don't find his behavior towards you acceptable at all and you value yourself too much to allow it to continue.

    It's incredibly important that you don't take his insults or ranting personally. That's virtually impossible if you still have some lingering feelings for the man but it's essential for your own self worth not to put too much weight in what he says. Remember that he is trying desperately to hurt you the same way he has been hurt, and he'll do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.

    It's the very same reason why some men take up with a new woman right after the breakup of their long term relationship. Their reasoning behind this is twofold. A man who is hurting after his relationship ends wants to drown those feelings out and can do that by getting close to someone new. The other reason some men do this is simply to hurt their ex girlfriend. They tell her that they've met a new woman who is everything their ex girlfriend isn't. They do this solely for the purpose of causing her heartache. That's an obvious jerk move and if you see it for what it is, you'll be able to accept it that much easier.

    Remember his behavior is not a reflection of you or the time you two spent together. Try to view his disrespectful antics as a sign that he's in deep emotional pain. If you do that you can still see the good in him and remember the wonderful moments you two shared before things went wrong.


    • #3
      When you are asking yourself the question can he love me again after the break up it's important to never lose sight of the fact that he loved you very much at one time. That gives you a distinct advantage over any other woman he may cross paths with. Use that to your benefit to get him to fall back in love with you. Rediscover that woman he fell in love with. Become her all over again by highlighting the qualities about yourself that he loved the most. Perhaps he loved how driven you were to pursue your career or he admired how kind you were to other people. Work on nurturing those aspects of yourself again so you can show him that you're still the same woman he was once head over heels in love with.

      Becoming his friend is an essential piece of the puzzle of getting him back. In your haste to become his romantic partner again you may lose sight of the importance of friendship. You'll stand a much better chance of a fulfilling, loving future with him if you can take a place in his life right now as a friend. The strongest romantic partnerships are born from solid friendships. Suggest to him that it would be nice if you two worked on being platonic friends. This will help you establish yourself as a non-threatening, but vitally important, part of his life. Once you two are close friends, the trust and respect will be re-established and from there the next natural step is to become more again.

