I spend 2 months without him,during no contact,help me
[B]60 days of no contact without him..after breakup with 3 or 4 months relationship.When he trying to call me..i recieve it after 24 hrs..he said that he missing me..he asked me that u don't missed me anymore, during our breakup u said me that u love me..know what happen..i said him, never missing of anybody, he asked have u bf?.. i said no..i am trying my best to create a healthy talk, i create a jokes..trying to makes him smile on his face,at last he said ok bye,it seems like never call me again and he cut my phone.Afterwards i send a message and ask him.. do u know the name of a place where had we first met, i just want to go with my frnd on that place, bt he gave me a address bt not interested to ask to which one..bt at last he Rude me in msg he said type in manners ,u don't know who am i...and i said im sorry forgetted..and his birthday on 14july do i wish him or not. What to do now..
[B]60 days of no contact without him..after breakup with 3 or 4 months relationship.When he trying to call me..i recieve it after 24 hrs..he said that he missing me..he asked me that u don't missed me anymore, during our breakup u said me that u love me..know what happen..i said him, never missing of anybody, he asked have u bf?.. i said no..i am trying my best to create a healthy talk, i create a jokes..trying to makes him smile on his face,at last he said ok bye,it seems like never call me again and he cut my phone.Afterwards i send a message and ask him.. do u know the name of a place where had we first met, i just want to go with my frnd on that place, bt he gave me a address bt not interested to ask to which one..bt at last he Rude me in msg he said type in manners ,u don't know who am i...and i said im sorry forgetted..and his birthday on 14july do i wish him or not. What to do now..