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I spend 2 months without him,during no contact,help me



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  • I spend 2 months without him,during no contact,help me
    I spend 2 months without him,during no contact,help me

    [B]60 days of no contact without him..after breakup with 3 or 4 months relationship.When he trying to call me..i recieve it after 24 hrs..he said that he missing me..he asked me that u don't missed me anymore, during our breakup u said me that u love me..know what happen..i said him, never missing of anybody, he asked have u bf?.. i said no..i am trying my best to create a healthy talk, i create a jokes..trying to makes him smile on his face,at last he said ok bye,it seems like never call me again and he cut my phone.Afterwards i send a message and ask him.. do u know the name of a place where had we first met, i just want to go with my frnd on that place, bt he gave me a address bt not interested to ask to which at last he Rude me in msg he said type in manners ,u don't know who am i...and i said im sorry forgetted..and his birthday on 14july do i wish him or not. What to do now..

  • #2
    Calling your ex boyfriend on his birthday may seem like a perfect opportunity to make some idle chit chat with him all the while hoping he'll suddenly come to his senses and want you back. That's all fairytale thinking, ladies. Reality paints a much clearer picture. If you call your ex and wish him well on his birthday you'll be opening yourself up to some major pain and disappointment. Here's why. Either he's going to call screen and not pick up because he wants to avoid having any awkward encounters with his ex on his special day or he'll answer and the entire conversation will be filled with long pauses and comments about the weather and work. You can't expect a former flame to welcome you back with open arms just because you're calling to tell him you want him to have a great day.

    Here's what you should be doing when his birthday rolls around. You can pretend that you don't remember. This can actually work really well in your favor if you play it right. By that I mean you let the actual date of his birth pass without any contact and then a few days later you send him a short text message wishing him a belated happy birthday. What this accomplishes is it shows him that your world doesn't still revolve around him. Even if it does, you just never want him to know that.

    The other approach you can take on his birthday is to just send the text message on the actual day. It should say nothing more than, "Happy Birthday." No pet names attached to that like baby, honey or sweetie and absolutely no mention of how much you miss him or how you can't live without him. This is one time when it's imperative that you keep it short and sweet. If he doesn't respond, don't sweat it.

    Self restraint is the best present you can give your boyfriend, and for that matter, yourself on his birthday. No one, be it a man or a woman, wants to share their life with someone who is emotionally immature or unable to move forward from a break up. By not making a big deal out of his birthday you'll be showing him that it's just another day of the week to you. That way you'll keep your self esteem intact and there's nothing more important than that.


    • #3
      Always understand that your ex boyfriend could be contacting you purely for sexual reasons. After being broken up for a while, both of your physical needs will be peaked. You might even be weak, and easily susceptible to falling into bed together. If this is the case, make sure ahead of time that you're okay with it. Sleeping with your ex isn't all that bad if no one gets hurt. But spending the night with your ex boyfriend and expecting something more to come out of it... that could get painful. You'll need to talk to him first to see where he stands. In that type of situation, it might be better to wait.

      In regards to getting your ex back, the fact that you're talking again is a very good sign. If your ex had moved on with his life, he most likely wouldn't be dealing with you all that much. You might get a friendly email here or there, or maybe a "How are you doing?" text message. Phone calls however, are much more significant. When your ex finally calls, you should handle it with cool confidence. Keeping it short will keep you from diving into things too quickly: a common mistake many girls make while trying to get back together with an ex-boyfriend.

      Let your ex know you're happy to hear from him, but temper it with the fact that you're busy and can't stay on the phone long. This will intrigue him as to exactly what you're up to, and why you're "blowing him off" instead of talking to him for a longer period of time. A prolonged phone call could actually hurt your chances here, as it gives your ex-boyfriend the chance to feel you out and see what you're up to. Once his has this information, he could disappear for another month or two. But by keeping most things a mystery, he's not going to know where he stands - or more importantly, where you stand in regards to moving on.

      The fact is that even though he was the one who broke it off, your ex doesn't want you moving forward until he does. Hence, your happy little probing friendship. Take away the friendship part, and all you have is your ex sticking his neck out to find out what you're up to. This is good, because it puts you at an advantage. Don't let him off the hook by being his innocent buddy. Don't tell him you're doing "nothing" and not dating anybody. Don't lie, but don't answer to him either. You goal is to get your ex interested again. If he's talking to you, it means your ex boyfriend misses you. He may even say this, and that's fantastic. But that's not something you should say back to him right away - at least not over the phone.

      Talking to your ex on a consistent basis will inevitably lead to seeing each other again. This sort of meeting will be a reunion date of sorts, and you'll need to handle it with much of the same cool, levelheadedness you used to approach regaining contact. Fixing a break up is a long road, and there are many turns that can get you lost. By staying true to yourself and keeping the end goal in sight, you'll eventually push just the right buttons that will make your ex come back to you.

