Is it good or bad that your ex fantasizes about u, and lets u know it?
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My ex fantasizes about me
Flattering... enticing... possibly good... possibly awful.
He is fishing here... he is looking for sexual validation from you... and a bit of fun... the fact that he still wants you physically is a good thing if you want him back... sex is important.
And the key in your position is to USE that sexual tension... and desire to draw him closer... and to get your emotional hooks into him again.
Do NOT sleep with your ex or get too dirty with him right now... tease him... torture him a bit... and THEN go in for the kill.
There are telltale signs that can indicate how your ex boyfriend may be feeling. Although you can never really know the heart of another, things people do give indications as to their true feelings. These things can be read and interpreted to give a picture of what another person is thinking inside. Much like body language. Interpretation is the key. When evaluating these actions you have to be objective. You definitely do not want to come up with erroneous conclusions, colored by your own desires, possibly leading yourself down the path to another unfortunate outcome.
Here are five signs that may indicate that your ex may still love you. You can never be sure, but seeing these signs can mean that you may want to pursue reconciliation cautiously.
1. Your ex boyfriend still keeps tabs on you without you knowing it.
This is pretty much a dead giveaway that he still has some feelings for you. Love? Maybe. Making inquiries as to your wellbeing to your friends, having his friends 'casually' bump into you and reporting your reactions to him are good signs that something is still stirring in him for you. However, you still need to be cautious. He may only be doing this out of concern for your wellbeing, rather than real love and a desire to reconnect with you.
2. When you meet him, he reminisces about the good times you had together.
If those past happy memories are on your boyfriend's mind, there is a good chance he is wondering if there might be good times ahead if you get back together. Remembering these things is, (especially talking about them with you, his ex), is not normal ex boyfriend behavior. This is a good indication that he may feel that he jumped the gun when he broke with you.
3. Your ex boyfriend often calls, emails, or sends you text messages.
Usually when a couple splits up, they do not want to stay connected. Frequent phone calls means you are on his mind. In fact, if he really wanted to be away from you, he wouldn't be contacting you at all, nor you him.
4. Wherever you go, often he is there.
If this keeps happening more and more, than these meetings are not chance encounters, in spite of his protests. He knows your favorite places, and hangs around hoping to 'run into' you. He wants to be near you, but may not make advances for fear of being rejected. You must realize, he doesn't know any more about your love for him than you know about his love for you.
5. He says he is sorry for ending the relationship.
He apologizes for the error of his ways; for breaking up with you. Another definite sign that he still carries a big torch for you is him acknowledging mistakes he made in the relationship, even if those mistakes were not the reason for the break up. This is a major breakthrough for a man. Most men have difficulty admitting they caused the problem.
Think about your ex boyfriend's actions. Look at them from all angles. Any one of these could mean something other than a lingering love for you. The more of these signs you see, the stronger his love for you still beats. At this point you may want to make some advances to judge his reactions. Proceed cautiously. Mutually discuss ground rules, and start a new relationship with your ex slowly. You just might be happy with the result.
After a relationship has ended, you may find out that your ex-boyfriend still loves you. This actually happens quite a lot, but what happens next is up to you. While your ex may love you, the question becomes whether or not you love him. Here are some signs that indicate that he may still be in love with you and aiming to get back together.
You can always pay attention to his emotions to see if he is still in love. In honesty, any type of emotion will do. No matter what he projects in your direction will indicate that he loves you and may want to give a relationship another try. If there are no emotions, then he is ready to move on with his life.
Staying in Contact
A lot of couples say they still want to be friends when the romantic side of the relationship is over. However, this can be easier said than done. On the other hand, if you and your ex-boyfriend do keep in contact with each other, then this is a sign that the two of you still have at least some feelings for each other. If you have some contact, it is likely that you are seeing each other through mutual friends or part of a group. If you find that you are drifting toward each other even while in a group, it may be worth taking a chance on getting back together.
Sometimes you may find that an ex-boyfriend is trying to constantly one up you by telling you how great he is doing since the breakup such as he has a new job or a new love interest. However, this is usually a sign that he is just trying to convince himself that he has moved past the relationship. In reality, he will still have feelings for you.
Push and Pull
You may be confused if your ex-boyfriend seems to push you away only to try and pull you closer in the next few days. This can actually mean that he doesn't know if he wants to get back together or not. This can actually be a good sign as well since men will give into their hearts a lot and come back to you.
If your ex-boyfriend asks mutual friends about what you are up to, this is also a good sign that he still has feelings for you. He may even seek you out and ask what you are doing himself. If he had moved on, he really wouldn't want to know what you are doing with your life and if you are dating anyone new. However, if you find that he is asking questions, you may want to consider rekindling the relationship if you still have feelings for him as well.