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Is this guy still in love with his ex?



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  • Is this guy still in love with his ex?
    Hi everyone! So this guy I am talking to was with his ex for 2 years and they haven't really had a no contact period. Well, she stopped talking to him for two months and when she hit him up when she visited town he lashed out at her and said "You haven't talked to me in two months! What if I was in the hospital?!" Then proceeded hanging out with her. They got drinks and he asked her if she wanted to see his dad?

    I also found out he took her to his mothers house and before all this happened he kept all of her things she left behind like her little nightstand, her lamp, and her clothes. Her nightstand is by his bed and her lamp is in his room as well. It's been a year now since they have broken up to.

    So back to what I was saying, they got drinks and he confessed that he was talking to someone (me) but he didn't say my name at all all he said was that he "didn't like me and NEVER wanted to talk to me" he was drinking when he said this and he also told her he is still in love with her and still loves her he did not give any details about me whatsoever. After that he took her back to her hotel and she asked to kiss him and he said yea so they made out.

    Then after that he texted her Goodmorning (after he said what he said)

  • #2
    EDIT: Then after that he texted her Goodmorning (after he said what he said)


    • #3
      Originally posted by sweetcake21 View Post
      all he said was that he "didn't like me and NEVER wanted to talk to me" he was drinking when he said this and he also told her he is still in love with her and still loves her he did not give any details about me whatsoever.
      Obviously, this guy don't like you. From what you wrote, he said he didn't like you but still loves his ex.

      I'm sorry to tell you this, you were simply his rebound.

      I suggest you leave him and find another man that will cherish and love you.


      • #4
        First, I will start by asking you a question?

        How did you get so much details about your boyfriend's conversation with his ex?

        I know for sure that he didn't tell you this.

        Now, if he actually said those things to his ex about you, you should consider quitting that relationship.

        The truth is that he doesn't deserve you.


        • #5

          RED FLAG! RED FLAG! RED FLAG! Very inappropriate behavior, you should run and not walk to get out of that "relationship".

