After 2 months he text me and said i love u.l am surprised and totally blank.when i am on my no contact periods almost 60 days, he try to contact with me but i just ignored him,and taking suggestions from your helpful guidance site. I am really thankful from all of this.I just want some help that what should i do, and i know somewhere he wants other thing that all man wants from ex..i want him to come back in my life as a true love not other things.
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My ex said i love u, what should i do he wants other thing?
In all cases though, my answer is pretty much the same: Respond! Answer the call! Reply to the text message or email. The trick, though, is how do you respond? You're in the middle of a no contact period for a reason, after all.
Could be you're trying to use the no contact rule to get your emotions back in control, and get yourself thinking straight, because you were obsessing too much over your ex. Maybe you were even harassing your ex with too many texts or calls, or personal interactions.
In this scenario, following the no contact rule has required all the self-discipline you could command, and being contacted by your ex now is disruptive enough to throw you off balance. It makes you wonder what's the best way to handle being contacted, given your ultimate goal is to get your ex back.
Or, it could be you're far enough through the no contact phase that you're actually hoping your ex contacts you. You hope that this contact is a sign your ex wants you back. Now you wonder, what is the right thing to say? My answer is the same, for both scenarios. You want to get your ex back, so be friendly and welcoming. Be upbeat. Act like you would act if you were receiving a call from any friend you want to hear from.
It helps if you can prepare ahead of time, and decide in advance what you want to say. (If you have time to read this article, you probably have time to do this.) Have in mind some things you could talk about. Know what you want to say if your ex asks you what you've been up to, and make it sound like you're doing just fine and getting on with your life.
Above all, take the high road. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into an argument. Don't bring up any old issues, or say anything hurtful. Don't allow a conversation to lapse into long silences; make sure you have plenty of things to say, so you can move the conversation along.
Again, it's a good idea to prepare in advance so you have a list of neutral questions to ask, and information about yourself to offer. Topics like music, movies, work or school, and family, are usually safe.
First of all I will deal with the most important aspect of your initial contact with your ex, regardless of who made the call, and that is your mental and emotional state. You should be well on the way to getting your life back on track after the breakup and even making it better! Whether it's having fun with friends, performing better at work, success in your hobby or whatever leading a good life means to you. If he calls you and you are not in a good emotional or mental state make sure you keep your answers very brief! There is a chance you will read too much into the conversation and act needy thereby destroying your chances of getting him back.
Let's assume he calls you first, which is ideal, you should be slightly be surprised be his call. If not, then act it. Your conversation should be fun and upbeat. You should not be talking about meeting up with her again at this stage. You should just be aiming to create a good vibe between the two of you again. You can talk a bit about your life but never go into too much detail because when you do it's like you are trying to prove yourself to him which is a needy insecure behaviour.
If you call him, which I frown upon, then much of the information above applies to you as well. You need a positive state of mind and be well on your way to getting your life back to normal. What you say is not as important as how you say it provided that you are in the right emotional state. This should mean that you are not immediately looking to jump back into a relationship with him but you are just being a cool woman who is getting on with her life and enjoying it.Last edited by Anthony; 07-22-2017, 11:49 PM.