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I want my ex back



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  • I want my ex back
    I was in a relationship for 6 years but recently he left me for no big reason , he gave me the reason that he is depressed and can not keep me happy ..We dint talk for sometime but I kept texting him .. recently he messages me that he is missing me alot but he will stay strong and away from me .. what should I do ?? I am on no contact month 3rd day and I have also deactivated my facebook account he can not search me anywhere now .. I am in a mess , I really love him and want him back..

  • #2
    When you are thinking about how to get back your ex boyfriend now start by taking responsibility for your part in the break up. As women we sometimes find it easy to fall into the victim mentality after a split. This is especially true if your boyfriend was the one who dumped you. It takes two to make or break a relationship though so take a few moments to carefully consider what you did that contributed to things going sour. Take ownership of your actions and apologize to your ex. Make it heartfelt but don't go overboard. You want him to see that you are mature enough to admit your mistakes without being overly dramatic about it.

    It's very tempting to play the jealousy card when you are thinking about how to get back your ex boyfriend. The idea that you could make him jealous by flirting with a new guy will almost always backfire on you. In theory it seems like an excellent approach. You ensure that you run into him while you're with another man and your ex will suddenly realize that he may lose you forever and will beg you to come back, right? Wrong! What is more likely to happen is that he'll see you with the new guy and never get that image out of his mind again. He'll jump to the incorrect conclusion that you've moved on and gotten past your feelings for him. Don't resort to this tactic. It could actually destroy any chance you had of getting him back.


    • #3
      Learning how to make your ex boyfriend regret breaking up with you can change the entire dynamic of the relationship and actually make him want you back. If you believe that he's the guy for you, there are steps that you should be taking before it's too late and he meets someone new.

      Understanding how to make your ex boyfriend regret breaking up with you starts with recognizing the power in rejection. Rejection is a very difficult emotion for most of us to process. You feel a twinge of it when you're younger and you're the last one chosen during sports and it's also there if you're ever fired from a job. It's a difficult emotion to shake. The only real way to cleanse yourself of it is to get back whatever rejected you. That's the same reasoning that you need to be using when it comes to your ex boyfriend. Since he was the one who rejected you, you feel the undeniable urge to get him back. If you can shift that feeling over to him, he'll feel the need to get you back. Doing this is actually quite simple but you have to be determined. You need to tell him that you're fine with the break up. You can take it a step further and tell him that you were considering a split too. You must stay calm when you do this and you must walk away from him with a smile. If you can accomplish this, he'll already be regretting the break up.

      The next part of your plan to get him back seems obvious but it works. You have to spend the weeks after the break up improving who you are as a person. You have to transform yourself into the best version of you that can be. The key to doing this is to focus on the parts of yourself that you want to improve and then make it happen. This can range from improving your career status to becoming more involved in volunteer work. Do the things that make you happy and make you proud of who you are. Your confidence will shine through and when you see your ex again, he'll be amazed at who you've become. He'll see that you can actually thrive without him and it will remind him of the woman he initially fell in love with. Once this happens you're on the brink of getting him to want you even more than he did before.


      • #4
        I have already stopped talking to him and removed him from all of my social networking sites facebook etc how to show him that I am fine with split ??

