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Recent break/break up - seeking advice from all avenues.



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  • Recent break/break up - seeking advice from all avenues.
    Been in a relationship with my GF (was in one) for about 10 months going on 11. We had a great time on xmas but times were getting pretty bad lately. Arguments and such involving us not being the same when we first met. I understand people change over time, but by the age of 29/30, you know who you are unless you lose yourself. I am 30 and she is 32. We have a predicament that both of us live with our parents, she is building her house and I moved home because my father has cancer - i recently got let go from my job (which wasn't an issue at all in our relationship) but the arguments have been rather consistent since we went on our first vacation. She has a hard time explaining her feelings let alone anything - she says she just wants to have fun and not be serious. Not sure how one can take that but I went along with it the entire time. Arguments ensued weekly/bi-weekly over the same things and we have been making improvements but it's just always the same things.

    Both love each other so we decided on xmas that we wanted to take a break because it was for the best of us. I lost myself and she lost herself, (the break was more on her end because she has a lot of things happening in her life). Her house is unable to move into, can't build it, can't work on it - still waiting on permits and it has her stressed beyond belief. Her work has gotten under her skin and her grandmother just recently died. I am there for her when she needs to let loose and explain how she feels - anyone would do that. I think it just took a toll on her... anyways - we are on a break since xmas. we have texted and called each other a few times to see how things are going and she said that she "misses me, but she doesn't know if she is in love with me." I got to the bottom of it and wondered what that meant from her perspective and she said that she doesn't want to go back to arguing, all of the good times in her life with me is shadowed by bad times. I know all relationships have hiccups - and many relationships have breaks of some sort of manner.

    For her to tell me she misses me and wants to take "baby steps," confuses me. What does baby steps mean? Texting casually? occasional phone calls? She even said she wants to see jumanji with me, so it's as if she is leading me on, but doesn't know what to do? It's the 7th today (tonight) and i vowed that i wouldn't put a time stamp on anything, but i need to do this for myself - I don't want to contact her until the 27th on January. I cannot make first contact, she needs her space and needs to find out what she lost about herself and how she needs to fix it... She stated that she wants me to move on because she doesn't want me to get led on, but I told her that you aren't leading me on and the decisions i make in my life are for myself - explaining that I feel that she is the one and all that sappy crap.

    So at the moment I am just worrying about me - what's best for me and my life. It sucks that the biggest puzzle piece to my life is MIA from the break/break-up but it's for the best. So i've heard many times, you only have yourself at the end of the day, you can trust others but you truly know yourself better than anyone else and know what's best for yourself... Distance makes the heart grow fonder etc.

    Am i in the wrong? right? Where do I go from here?

  • #2
    Originally posted by SmileForMyScope View Post
    For her to tell me she misses me and wants to take "baby steps," confuses me. What does baby steps mean?
    It simply means she wants to take things slow and let things happen naturally. I think you should respect her wish if you want a chance with her again.

    Before you begin, think of what she didn't like in you that made her decide to leave you. This is the key trying to get your ex girlfriend back, and if you just can find the reason, it is essential for you to change it. If you don't and do it again, you will never get your ex girlfriend back.


    - Once you start talking to her about what went wrong in your relationship before, never blame her. Never say things happened because of her! If you do, you will lose everything! You should understand that if you broke up, it is all because of fault of two. Talk about it and discuss it together.

    - If you beg her to come back, you will ruin everything at the first stage. Show her your respect and the reasons which would make her come back. It is definitely not easy, but give her space and let her think about what happened. She will really appreciate it as she needs time to think about the past. Do your best to keep some distance but show her that your life was much better with her - you will really have a chance to do so!

    - Never lie to her! This is so unappreciated! She knows how you are, and if she feels you lying, you lose! Don't let it happen as you are so close to your goal to get your ex girlfriend back. No matter what happens, always say true.


    Your patience is extremely important! Do not call her first, and wait when she does it. Once received a call that you were waiting for so long, don't get lost. Feel relaxed as if you were talking to your friend about daily stuff. What you could do is to tell her about how nice she is, and how much you are missing her. You could say that her eyes are things that you are missing most. Use this as a chance to get back to old times, when you both were in love, and happy about each single minute spent together. Remind this to her! Bring memories back by talking again about what you did together, what made you both laugh and enjoy your time. Don't forget to show her how nice YOU are. She should see again a guy she felt in love with. Be polite, do your best to be a gentleman! Listen to her, show your interest in everything she says, and talk. Once you find the best moment, invite her for dinner. Well, it's about another date that you can get!

    Girls like being surprised. Your ex girlfriend is not an exception. If you buy her flowers, you will definitely make her smile! Do other nice things that will make her have best feelings about you! You could also show her how great you cook! Use your imagination, and remember, that surprises work very well when it's about how to get your ex girlfriend back.

    Pay more attention to your appearance. If you think there was something she didn't like, improve it. Change dressing style, haircut or something you think she will adore! If you are sure she likes everything you do, just keep on being fresh and always prepared.

    Waiting for your girlfriend to show up might take time. Don't give up and give her as much time as she needs. Don't sit home and wait for her call. Be strong enough to still go out with your friends, to party. If you sit home, you will really make her think she made a good choice breaking with a guy who is sitting home. It's boring! Don't let her think so and go party! Show her that you are still happy even though you are not with her anymore. But don't forget your goal to get your ex girlfriend back, so do not exaggerate partying too much Just continue with your life!

    You are living a difficult period and it is definitely not easy. Negative thoughts come easily and are making you hurt even more. Try to get rid of them by thinking something positive! Think of times spent with your ex girlfriend, enjoy them again. Don't regret your mistakes as they are sometimes heading to the victories!

    After you've made so much effort, you may think what she really wants. This is not an easy task for you, but will help you to get your ex girlfriend back. If she needs you to be close more often, try to make it. If she wants to have some time to go out with her friends, let her do so! Freedom is so important that if you think it is something that she was missing so much in your relationship, make it now! Do not change yourself; just do your best to improve things she did not appreciate during your relationship. Once she realizes you've changed, her way back to your arms is guaranteed!

    Remind her how special she is for you and how much you are missing her. Let her feel the only in this world - it will really make her melt!

    Again, going through this will take time and this process is not so easy. But since you were ready for it, you can do it! You may need to wait a week, a month or two, but don't worry, waiting and making efforts is worth! You will finally get your ex girlfriend back just as you wanted.


    • #3
      If you are trying to get your girlfriend back you need to make sure that you are making all of the right moves.

      These seven tips will help you to approach the situation perfectly, making the moves that you need to make to win back the love of your ex-girlfriend.

      Tip #1 - Give Her Space

      One of the most important things to do when trying to get your girlfriend back is to give her space. Whatever happened did happen for a reason; trying to jump back into something too soon will only be seen as desperate, and will not work. It is OK to stay in touch, but not OK to try to make your moves right away.

      Tip #2 - Apologize

      If something that you did caused the end of the relationship you need to make sure that you apologize. Make your apology complete and sincere. You must apologize to be able to get your girlfriend back.

      Tip #3 - Offer Up Dinner

      Offer to take your ex to dinner, but try to make it less serious than she may expect. A simple offer of a dinner date may be able to spark some interest in her, helping you to win your girlfriend back into your life.

      Tip #4 - Buy Small and Meaningful Gifts

      You do not have to spend a lot of money to make your ex girlfriend think about getting back together with you. Simply buy a few small and inexpensive gifts that had some serious meaning in your past relationship.

      Tip #5 - Make Something

      One way for you to show your love for someone is to make them something. This shows that you want to spend time on her, and that you are willing to do whatever you have to do to get her back.

      Tip #6 - Send Flowers

      Flowers have always been a great way to show someone you are thinking about them. Send some flowers to your ex girlfriend in an attempt to get your girlfriend back. Instead of adding an incredibly sappy message, simply send a short but sweet note. This will help to pique her interest without being corny or forceful.

      Tip #7 - Be Friends

      If your ex girlfriend is rebuffing your attempts to get your girlfriend back, talk to her about being friends. If something is to be rekindled, it will stand the test of time; staying friends with your ex will help to keep you in her mind for the future.

      You need to work to create the perfect combination of these different tips for your own unique situation. While some of these tips will work for some exes, others will backfire.

      Take the time to think about the situation and how your ex would react to them. If you think that they are going to hurt your chances of trying to get your girlfriend back, try something else.


      • #4
        So I took your advice - I have given space and I have flowers being sent the day of valentine's day (one year). We are not together and she said she needs to be alone for herself. I said that I will give you nothing but time and just be happy and continue doing me as I know that's what she is doing. she texted, "Please just accept this, it is me - I need to be alone. It is not you, you have so much to offer and give so please don't think anyway. Be happy!" So I responded, "I am happy, things are looking up and I'm back on my feet again. Im finding my groove and things are set in stone but it seems I am missing that one piece still... If i have so much to give, and I feel that space is what is needed - who knows what the future will bring. I can't give you time or anything that comes in life but I wanted to say I will contact you in May to see if you want to grab some dinner and just catch up!"

        she then wrote, "I can't predict the future but i don't want to give you false hope. I want to be by myself, stop pushing. Please be happy with moving on and i hope the best. You have a lot to offer and I know you're a great man."

        throughout all that, is it time to move on? is it right to stay attached to someone that needs time to herself and continuously states she needs time, she needs to be alone and by herself? She was never one to actually give a full answer or even an answer that describes her feelings, but this was a lot... She clearly needs to be alone to find herself - is it right for me to continuously just be there? From opinions, is it time to just let go and move on?

