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I’m so afraid of doing the wrong thing!



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  • I’m so afraid of doing the wrong thing!
    seeing someone for 5 years. We both love each other and have great chemistry but there’s been a problem with his finances. He lost all his assets and business over 10 years ago and was convicted for a white collar crime. Served 1 year and got a job but was laid off 7 months ago. Used all of his unemployment and now started to collect social security (65 yrs old). Inherited some money about $30,000 but it can only be used to pay bills. No other savings.
    Ive helped him budget etc thru the years and have helped him apply for jobs. Got a job a few months ago but quit because he didn’t like hours and assumed he’d get a teaching job but he was rejected because of his record.
    Im very financially stable and worked hard all my life. We can’t move in because I won’t do it until he can pay his own bills and he will need at least a part time job for that.
    How much longer should I wait? I keep pushing to get him employed by posting on indeed etc but he really doesn’t seem to be trying all that hard. I’ve told him several months ago I can’t wait for him forever. He now says he will be a LYFT driver temporary until something better comes along but my research says you don’t earn much driving unless you work weekends which he says he won’t do.
    Im already 60.
    Should I leave or will I be making a mistake I’ll regret?
    Last edited by peace; 01-10-2018, 01:33 AM.

  • #2
    If he isn't serious about getting a job, you need to leave him and move on with your life. You will be making a big mistake If you move in with him, because he might never work again when you both start living together.


    • #3
      Like the saying, "you can force a horse to the river but can't force her to drink water." This is the case with you because even if you force him to get a job, you can force him to stay in the job. If he starts a job now just to please you, he will definitely quit the job when you both move in together.

