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How to help depressed sibling?

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  • How to help depressed sibling?

    My brother has been experiencing signs of depression and anxiety attacks since his last breakup over a couple of years ago. His ex-girlfriend cheated on him with another man and since then, he’s rejected anything related to dating. But even after all this time, he’s still in this sorry state. I’m starting to think that his depression is stemming from the fact that he’s lonely both sexually and emotionally. Most of us already have long term relationships and other members of the family are already married. He’s practically the only one single within our family circle. We all want him to start dating again and find a woman who can be there for him whenever he feels down. Someone who can truly love him but the problem is that he’s given up on trying to meet new people. Me and my elder brother have signed him up on multiple dating sites and now, we’re planning to sign him up for an international dating tour so he can both take a breather and travel around while meeting women. Do you think this is a good idea? We need some insights before deciding anything. Thanks so much.

  • #2
    Figuring out how to deal with a break up is hard. In fact, many people say that a break up is one of the worst pains you will ever experience in life, aside from the death of a loved one. But no matter how difficult your situation may seem, here are 3 very powerful tips for dealing with a break up and moving on with your life.

    1) Distance yourself from your ex

    If you want to get rid of the pain you're feeling right now then it's absolutely essential that you distance yourself from your ex immediately. You have to give yourself the space to heal. You cannot truly heal and get over what happened if your ex is still in your life.

    In fact, by keeping in contact with your ex, you're actually dragging out the pain even longer and making things worse. So stop torturing yourself and make a commitment not to contact your ex at all for the next 30 days. I recommend doing this longer but a month is a really good starting point.

    2) Find someone you can talk to

    After a break up we tend to feel very lonely. Not just because we lost the love of our life but because we feel like we're all alone and no one understands us. We often withdraw and isolate and end up spending a lot of time alone. I know I did. But there's something else I did that really helped me deal with the break up, which was talking to people about what happened.

    The reason this is so important is because it helps you deal with that feeling of loneliness after a break up. It allows you to reach out and connect with people. It reminds you that you're not alone. And even more importantly, it reminds you that there are people in your life that care about you.

    3) Start exercising

    Exercising is definitely one of the quickest ways to get of your funk. When you exercise, your brain release endorphins and you end up feeling really good. It totally changes your mood. It's like hitting a "reset" button. It's also really good for stress relief and can definitely help you take your mind off your ex. This is a much healthier alternative to what most people do when trying to deal with a break up: drinking, smoking, and overeating.

    So what I would suggest you do is to start working out regularly, at least 3-5 times a week. If you're already exercising, take it up a notch so you can burn off all the additional stress that got built up after the break up. If you're not already exercising, get in the habit of doing it. You already know it's good for you so I'm not going to go on and on about the benefits of exercise but let me just say one thing: exercise has been scientifically proven to help deal with stress.

    So if you're not already doing it, overcome whatever initial resistance you may have to doing it and just do it. After a couple workouts, you'll start to build some momentum and you'll get in the habit of doing it. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes a lot easier to keep up. Set aside specific days and schedule a visit to the gym at a specific time. Make that time the same every week so you don't have that convenient "I've got a lot to do today" excuse.

    Dealing with a break up is definitely not easy but if you follow the 3 simple tips I've shared, you will definitely feel better. Please don't be fooled by the simplicity of what I shared. Yes, these tips are simple but they work. They've helped me deal with the pain after every break up I've had and I guarantee that they will help you too, as long as you do them.


    • #3
      It can seem like an impossible task and you might wonder what you're going to do without your partner in your life; he or she filled up most of your time, so now what do you do with yourself? These feelings tend to get worse because people don't have anyone to help them through the initial stages of a breakup. With just you and your mind, you'll end up thinking of the past; your thoughts will inevitably cycle over the past relationship. Don't let these thoughts get the better of you. Instead think of how many people have been able to make it through bad breakups. What makes you any different?

      Why does splitting up from a long-term lover hurt so much? This is probably a question that we have been asking for centuries. At the moment of breakup, it feels like we are the only ones in the world who are feeling this kind of pain and no one can ever understand what we're going through. Our minds must stay focused on overcoming these negative feelings, by mulling over the hurt we only prolong the suffering. Perhaps a quick solution would be to move on to another person who has more in common with you and may be a better match. Here are a few things to help rid your mind of its worries.

      * Go out with a group of friends and have fun. Just being around them with take your mind off the breakup.

      * Stop thinking about the pain; try to think positively about what you're going to do with all your free time.

      Breaking up is unfortunately a part of life and we will all experience it at some point in our lives. It is difficult to deal with, but easier than you might expect. Don't let it get you down too much. Remember there is more in life that will make you smile equally as much. If you have some good friends who are willing to support you through this time of need, it's a good idea to accept their help, as it will definitely make things more bearable. Use the time that you usually spent with your ex to do something constructive. This will hopefully help you to focus on your healing rather than allowing you to stress out.


      • #4
        If you are living with somebody who has depression, you know that it can be hard. Everything seems to be going well for them, yet for reasons unknown, they are down which is disappointing. You adore them, however, the greater part of your helping appears to do nothing and the individual gets more depressed. So you need to help however you don't know what to do other at that point urge them to seek professional help. Professional like Voyance Pure( and similar can help them come out of their problems, they are going through. They will listen to their problems, try to give them solutions. This is most likely a standout amongst another thing to do, however, you yourself can either help or hurt the depressed individual moreover. When somebody is discouraged, they are extremely touchy about the majority of your activities, words, and feelings. A slight wavering, a dreadful outward appearance, or huge amounts of different things that happen regularly. The best snippet of data to continue telling your self is that depression is an infection, it's nothing individual against you and to talk however much as could reasonably be expected which will be hard at first.

