Hi Everyone,
So I’m gonna down and dirty with this one. I’m Male 33 with 3 kids. I had my first 2 kids with my ex wife and my last kid with my current girl of 2 years. I was with my ex through high school and got married after. Things started to go bad and I wasn’t getting the attention I wanted and cheated on here for about a year. Got divorced and now barely speak. I have Been with my current girl going one 2 Year’s with a ten month old baby. I’m in the military so I leave one weekend a month. Just recently got appointed to a position where I’m in charge of an ex girl friend. My girl flipped. Told me to not come home and to quit. Doesn’t work like that.evertime I go away it’s an issue and she always threatens to leave me. I’ve just had it. I’m so afraid of being alone that I pretty much beg to stay even when I know it isn’t right. I can seem to win at the game of love. Any advice out there I’d love to hear it. This is toxic and it’s making me a worse person.
Thanks for liatening
So I’m gonna down and dirty with this one. I’m Male 33 with 3 kids. I had my first 2 kids with my ex wife and my last kid with my current girl of 2 years. I was with my ex through high school and got married after. Things started to go bad and I wasn’t getting the attention I wanted and cheated on here for about a year. Got divorced and now barely speak. I have Been with my current girl going one 2 Year’s with a ten month old baby. I’m in the military so I leave one weekend a month. Just recently got appointed to a position where I’m in charge of an ex girl friend. My girl flipped. Told me to not come home and to quit. Doesn’t work like that.evertime I go away it’s an issue and she always threatens to leave me. I’ve just had it. I’m so afraid of being alone that I pretty much beg to stay even when I know it isn’t right. I can seem to win at the game of love. Any advice out there I’d love to hear it. This is toxic and it’s making me a worse person.
Thanks for liatening