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ex boyfriend having crush



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  • ex boyfriend having crush
    So my boyfriend and i have no had the perfect relationship. on and off for 3 years but with gaps of breaking up and getting back together like months being together and then breaking up and then getting back together after months. Anyways we just got back together when i visited my friend at her college (they go to the same one) and while being there i was sexually assaulted and he did not handle it well and broke up with me for another girl about 3 days later. i think he’s just trying to distract himself with her but he does not believe me. so i ended up cutting all contact with him (this all happened about 3 weeks ago) and this past week he has been trying to contact me and now he’s home for summer vacation and came to see me. i asked him why he’s been contacting me and if he’s still talking to that other girl and he said he is and that he wants to pursue her but also talk to me. i was wondering some advice on how to deal with this and if i should just leave him and if i do do you think he will come back and not want to be with that girl eventually because he will miss me and such or do you think i should just stay with him and be exclusive and wait for his crush to blow over? i don’t know how much they talk and she lives about 40mins away so they wouldn’t hangout that much. what do you think is best?

  • #2
    He has decide who he wants to be with. He can't be with you and still pursue the other girl. Tell him to choose between you or the other girl. If he chooses the other girl, move on with your life and be glad.


    • #3
      He is trying to use you as the fall back girl, don't allow him do that. You mustn't be in a relationship with him while he still dates another girl. Allowing this to happen will make you lose your self worth.

