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Breaking up with a... lady-friend (just friend).



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  • Breaking up with a... lady-friend (just friend).

    I do have an unusual sort of relationship with one girl from college. I did not know what is the correct sub-category for this type of situation so I decided to write it here.

    So, we ve been chatting to this girl for whole year (mostly by texting) but also did hangout several times. Honestly, most of the initiative came from her, and I was mostly uninterested in anything other than friendship (for various reasons, mainly because I had a girlfriend at that time).

    Everything seemed okay, we were getting along and talked for a long time, about all things in life, including deeply personal things that I never even discussed with my girlfriend and I felt like we ve been on the same wavelength (at least). Honestly, I do not know how she felt about me, but at least it looked that we were good friends. However, the last month something happened, she clearly became a different person (cold, unreactive to my texts and so on). First, I did not see that because I was busy with other things but now I became a bit concerned.

    I tried to talk to her and she honestly said that she thought I had a crush on her and because of this she decided to keep distance. I told her that I like her as a sister only, and do value her as a friend. But now, this thing kinda bothers me...I understand that I was basically put into some sort of friend zone even though... I never tried to date the girl in the first place.

    I understand this all might sound a bit stupid, but I would really like to understand what does all this mean, and whether it is possible to restore "the previous" friendship? Also.. yes, perhaps as you guessed already, I began to like her as a girl... but I only realized it basically now. And now I feel myself like an idiot. So I am looking for an advice, what should I do?
    Last edited by Fransis; 05-28-2018, 06:54 PM.

  • #2
    Lets her do her thing and do yours but stay connected. Maybe she doesn't want to ruin the friendship, if ever you both decided to cross the friend zone line.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Fransis View Post
      and whether it is possible to restore "the previous" friendship?
      Yes, you can restore the previous friend, all you need to do is assure her that you have no crush on her and just want to be friends.

      Originally posted by Fransis View Post
      Also.. yes, perhaps as you guessed already, I began to like her as a girl... but I only realized it basically now. And now I feel myself like an idiot. So I am looking for an advice, what should I do?
      She obviously doesn't want anything other than being friends. Respect her wish and get rid off your feelings for her.

