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I broke up with my girlfriend 1 week ago and I miss her



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  • I broke up with my girlfriend 1 week ago and I miss her
    Hi guys,

    So i broke up with my girlfriend 1 week ago. before that her father just passed away and I broke up with her the day after the funeral. The passed 3 weeks since her father got hospitalized i have noticed that she was kinda distant, At first I thought she might be busy or trying to cope with whats happening so I been understanding, I've tried to put a limit on how much I contact her like.. I message in the morning and mid day and at night depending if i fall asleep watching a movie or something. I did all that to make sure that she knows that I was there for her and I care for her. but ive noticed that she was ignoring any messages that I sent her and she dosent talk to me at all. I can see that shes online and talking to other people but I felt like she was ignoring me. I didnt let this bother me but on the day that I broke it off.. I first asked her if i can call her and her reply was 'umm no' which I find rather rude because I been worried sick and she wasnt communicating. I told her that its okay and that I understand, explained that it was rude how she responded and she got annoyed and told me to leave her alone. I got really hurt and got really angry because the whole time all i been was worried and all i wanna do is care.. i understand if shes feeling suppocated but she wasnt communicating. now i dont think i been a bad boyfriend as Ive tried to be the best as I could for her because i think she deserve some one whos gonna treat her right but she pushed me away and I felt like all the effort that ive made energy time and money is now wasted because she pushed me away. I couldnt take it anymore so i broke it off. I really miss her and deep inside I do love her but I didnt appreciate how rude she was when all i been doing is care for her and after all that ive done for her I couldnt believe that she can just push me away like that.

    Thanks for listenning. any comments or thoughts are welcome

  • #2
    Dude. You broke up with her the day after she buried her father? Because while her dad was dying, she didn't pay enough attention to you? And you call HER rude? Some things you just cannot bounce back from, and this may be one of them.
    Everyone "wastes" time in relationships that don't work out, but it doesn't have to be a waste if you learn something or become a better person.
    You may owe her an apology for breaking up with her at probably one of the lowest points of her life.She is probably still mourning and the other people she's talking to are probably comforting her as you should have.


    • #3
      I do feel bad breaking it off after her dads funeral and I get what youre saying and I did expect this kind of respond from people. but what i want you to understand is that I was understanding through it all and even offered her some space but when I give it to her, she then started messaging me and it came to the point where she ask for it again and noticed that shes got no problem talking talking to my friend over the phone and some other people, now this made me question alot of thing and it made it feel personal to me. I have no issue with her talking to other people but I noticed that she started ignoring me and days gone by and she wont even message me to tell me wtf is happening. the whole time i been supportive and understanding the fact that shes got things going on. She left me in the dark on whats happening and i been worried and ignored me when all i been trying to do is care for her. I get some people just needs left alone but all i was asking from her was at least communicate and tell me what she wants because I aint a mind reader. in the end Ive just been wanting to check up on her and she pushed me away and i was really hurt considering the past couple of weeks i been miserable because i been worried sick and not only that to be pushed away when all i been trying to do is care for her really sucked.

      I do get what youre saying tho its something no one should ever do.. but i was miserable. all i was asking was for her to tell me shes okay and communicate because all i ever wanted was to be there for her when she needed me the most.

      Thank you for your respond


      • #4
        Most guys who say to themselves that, "I broke up with my girlfriend and I miss her," first off all try to find out what went wrong. Was there something that was said or done, that caused the breakup? All kinds of thoughts come to your mind, but one thing is certain, you want her back as soon as possible.

        I broke up with my girlfriend and I miss her, what should I do

        The biggest mstake that anyone, who wants to get back with their ex girlfriends, can make, is acting desperate and making their move too soon. A breakup is a very emotional issue, that takes time to calm down. Very often both parties are very confused and highly emotional after a breakup. Nobody really knows what may have caused the relationship to end.

        So instead of wondering about what happened and what you should do, try to forget about it all and do something completely else. Hang out with your friends, go for a vacation, visit your relatives etc. Basically take some time to cool off and rest. That is the best thing you can do.

        This will allow you to figure out the right strategy to get back with her, if you still want to get back with her. You have a much bigger change, if both of you have had some times off. If you still miss her after being apart for several months, then she misses you as well.

        You can make some changes to yourself, that will catch your ex girlfriends eye. Play a little hard to get, so she will think about you all the time. Most importantly let her come to you, not the other way around. If you take one step at a time and if you are cool and calm, then everything should be fine for you.


        • #5
          After a breakup, when emotions are at their peak and you're desperate to get your girl back, one of the toughest things to do is to let her go...completely. The trade-off is it increases your chances of getting her back and prepares you to move on if it comes to that.

          What exactly does letting her go mean and how do you do it effectively? To answer that question, let's first discuss what letting her go does not mean. It does not mean that you are giving up on the relationship, nor does it mean that you no longer care about your girlfriend. Rather, letting her go means giving her the time and space away from you that allows her to miss you and realize what she had. It's human nature to want things only when we don't have them anymore. When you successfully deal with your own emotions, accept the breakup, and let her go, you shift the power dynamic back in your favor.

          When you let your girlfriend go after a breakup, you send all the right messages. It shows that you are strong, independent, and confident which are all attractive traits. It shows your girlfriend that although you really want her in your life, you don't need her in your life to be happy. It says to her, you may not want to be part of my life right now, but if you're not then you're going to be missing out on something great because I refuse to sit around begging, pleading, apologizing, and being depressed. Life is too short for all that. I'm going to be OK no matter what.

          Do you see why this is so powerful? Until you're gone, she can't miss you. Even if you're not seeing her, simply sending texts or calling her still means you're around and she can't miss you. After a breakup, you should do your best to avoid all contact for at least a couple of weeks. If she calls missing you, don't just drop everything and rush over to see her. Otherwise you give all the power back to her and chances are the next day she'll feel like she made a mistake.

          When she feels you're moving on with your life and she might lose you for good, then she'll start making the effort to get you back instead. If she doesn't, then chances are she really is truly over you and has decided you're not the right man for her. If this is the case, then you must accept it, but by letting her go in the first place, you have already prepared yourself for the worst.

          Letting her go is extremely difficult. It's painful and you will feel like you're tearing your own heart out. However, the reward down the road is usually getting the love of your life back.


          • #6
            Well, I will say you felt jealous and insecure when she wasn't responding to your messages online.That's normal though but you shouldn't have been too emotional to end a relationship like that.You should have given her the benefit of the doubt.Remember, she is still in pain mourning her dead father and probably the break up.However, nothing is too late.You awe her an apology.Reach out to her to know that you still care.


            • #7
              Yeah, tell her how you were feeling, but OWN those feelings as YOUR interpretation of her behavior; don't act like it was all her fault you felt ignored. And apologize for the insensitive things YOU did. It's the decent thing to do, and I know you can do it. Let her say whatever she has to say to you. I wasn't at my best during the 6 weeks my dad was in the hospital before he passed away, and I was 51 then. The grieving process makes people not act like their normal selves sometimes. Be gentle with her. She may still be hurting even if she doesn't show it.

