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Does this make me a Creep/Harasser?



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  • Does this make me a Creep/Harasser?
    So to sum this up quickly, I strike up a conversation with a girl I went to high school with online. We’ve know each other for 10 years but have never talked or gotten to know each other. I end up taking her on a date, followed by like 6 movie nights at her house where we would cuddle and kiss and that’s it. Never had sex. I wasn’t overly attracted to her, and call me shallow but she was like 50 pounds to large for me, and I didn’t decide this for sure until after the few hangout sessions. An ex gf comes into my life so I stop talking to this girl and date my ex for the next year. This girl is broken hearted and upset and that’s that.
    A year later me and my ex split up and I run into this girl again and she’s lost like 60 pounds and is just drop dead gorgeous of course. I loved her personality before so I pursue her. She’s unsure at first but eventually I find out I was pretty much her dream man so she tries it out. We date for two years, engaged for a year, then get married. We have a baby daughter together (who is now 18 months old) and a year after we get married everything goes wrong. I end up with a drug addiction to opiates and she’s super straight edge and tries to get me to quit but I can’t. So eventually she leaves me and divorces me. Since the divorce I get clean and go to rehab and become my old self again. She refuses to talk to me in any way. Not even give it a chance. She’s too upset about the addiction and doesn’t believe I go clean. So I continue to live hoping she’ll see I’m clean and see my baby as much as possible and she said she’ll never believe it. She hasn’t dated anyone else or Tried to and neither have I. But she still won’t even talk to me. So I make a snap chat account and pose as an old friend to see photos of the baby and end up talking to her. Best communication we’ve ever had, fully open and love every second of it and she keeps saying it’s like she’s met her soul mate and we’re so compatible etc etc. I’m being myself completely. We decide to meet up, for a physical encounter to have sex because were so sexually compatible and she sends me pics and videos (never did when we were married) that’s how haead over heels she is for me and exploring new things. I tell her it’s not who she thinks and she assumes it might be her ex husband, but I didn’t verify that for her because it could have been way worse. What do I do to show her we were so compatible because I’m the same guy I was the first time she dated? She was upset at being led on and deceived so I can’t say it was me even if she unofficially knows. I just don’t know what to do, and now I feel like a total creep. I never have talked to someone for a month that was so perfect, and now can’t progress anywhere. Should I cut my losses and move on the best I can? Or just Wait it out and stay back? I’m so confused, I just know I want to be with her; but she has this image of me being a monster. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.

  • #2
    Now that you pose as an old friend on snap chat and she is attracted to you already, you can as well meet up with her in person. However, while going for the meetup, ensure you go with 3 to 4 mutual friends or family members she respects. So that when she eventually meets you and gets disappointed, those people who are with you will apologize to her on you behalf.

    I'm sure she will accept you back.


    • #3
      It took me a long time to find the right path for the best way to get my ex wife back, and for quite some time, a little over 2 years it was a very hard road indeed. But after realizing the way I was trying to win back the love of my ex wife was stupid, and actually making matters worse! I decided to do what you are doing now, and seek some good quality advice over the internet. And now I am spending some spare time sharing what I know to help lead you in the right direction for making up success...

      After acting like a jerk for such a long time, doing stuff like ringing and begging my ex for forgiveness, turning up with out her knowing, and trying to buy her love E.T.C. I finally realized I wasn't getting anywhere at all, I knew I needed to take a different approach...

      What I found, and what I have learned has changed my relationship for the better forever. It was just 3 weeks! 3 weeks after taking a new approach and following the right advice that my ex wife wanted ME to spend some time with her and just two weeks after that, we were on the road to getting back together! Boy the kids were happy...

      So here is the best way to get my ex wife back that I followed. Firstly I had to let my ex wife know that I have given up trying to make her get back with me. The advice I followed to do that was by plain and simply letting her know that I have finally realized that we were not getting along, and that separating was a good idea, and left it at that. I stopped contacting her all together, no phone calls or text messages, nothing.

      3 weeks later it was her calling me and asking if I wanted to call around for a coffee, at first I thought cool! It is my turn to play hard to get and said I was a little busy and said I will get back to her.

      So just that one thing "letting go" made a big difference...

      But it was what I did in that 3 weeks that did actually seal the deal, and for many it is the hardest part. You see if you were to do nothing, learn nothing, your ex wife would see straight away that you are just the same, and if she was to get back with you the relationship would soon fall back into the same old cycle. In that time that you leave your ex wife alone you need to put some effort in making yourself happy and irresistible to her.

      Become the better man, make your self happy as, and put some time into working on what makes women tick. When you end up catching up with your ex wife she does need to see that you are on top of your game, and a sense that you have had a good change...

