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Does she hate me now??

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  • Does she hate me now??
    So I made a dumb mistake, I broke up with my gf, who is now my ex. Its been months and I still feel dumpers regret about it.

    Iv missed her and thought about her pretty much everyday. When that happened I couldn’t help but started texting her about how much I missed her. She sometimes said that she misses me too but it seems like she doesn’t want to expand the conversation.

    I’ve asked her whats been going on with her life and she just acted like she didn’t want to share anything with me. And the convo always ends really fast, just a couple of messages sometimes.

    I know I hurt her and I feel bad about it.

    We started off as a LDR, but I felt like I needed more and I didn’t see any future so I broke up with her

    She was going to see me on her annual leave but I broke it off a month before that

    And a week before that she told me that she got the visa to come and see me and she was really happy

    But I couldn’t help how I feel and I didn’t think it’s fair for her to travel that long to come and see me so I told her I probably would find someone who lives closer and ended it

    She just accepted it and left, didnt tell me how she felt even I asked her she just said I didn’t need to know and stop messaging her.

    But Iv missed her so much, even after months I still think about her. She’s not the girl that I just can forget.

    Does she hate me now? It’s hard to know how she feels when she sometimes replies and not.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Stevenkmc
    I’ve asked her whats been going on with her life and she just acted like she didn’t want to share anything with me. And the convo always ends really fast, just a couple of messages sometimes.
    She is supposed to act this way because you obviously broke her heart and trying to make advances on her again. So, don't expect her to be happy with you again after all you have done to her.

    First, you must apologize to her and let her know you want to start a relationship with her again and promise not to leave her anymore. Doing this will automatically change her mind and she will be in your arms again.


    • #3
      There are certain points to be taken into consideration when approaching your ex girlfriend.

      1. Patch-up efforts: If you are missing your girlfriend it is time for you to patch up with her. Try to clarify the misunderstanding and apologise for your mistakes. Put back your individual egoism and tell her that you genuinely are feeling very bad about what you did and want another chance to make it up to her.

      2. Do not force or compel: Breakup can be a very difficult situation to deal with and some can take longer then others to bounce back to a state of normalcy. Respect there feelings and allow them to recuperate from the pain. If you want to get back your girlfriend then do not force your thoughts on them.

      3. Let her know that you still care for her: Demonstrate your love and care to her but be careful that you do not over do it as then it will give wrong signals and she might think that you are faking it. Start thinking of small ways in which you can make her feel special and on top of the world.

      4. Maintain your individualism: Just in the process of tying to woo her make sure that you maintain your individualism. Women do not like men who lack thinking and planning.

      I hope these tips will help you to deal with the issue "I regret dumping my girlfriend" in much better way.

