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Confused whether to leave or not



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  • Confused whether to leave or not
    Hi all, I have snooped around and looked at the other posts but first time I have posted.

    I am unsure what to do about my relationship but I am hoping from your advice and me actually typing it out it will help me come to a conclusion or clarify it in my mind.

    i have been with my GF for around 5 years and we have 2 children together.(they are pre school age) She suffers from anxiety which from day one has put a strain on things as well as her trust issues (always saying I’m cheating and funny with other people around our children) it also doesn’t help I am the opposite end but also really bad at helping her sometimes with the anxiety and can be dismissive as some of her fears to me a really irrational. Not the way to help somethking with anxiety I know. Other times I’m supportive but find it hard to be all the time.

    i am also a nightmare at times as I become insular when I’ve been hurt and find stepping in to solve things difficult. I’m also quite sensitive so when she’s mean to me I take it to heart and pull away. This has led to little infancy in our relationship for a months.

    She hates my family which has affected my relationship with them and makes them seeing my children difficult. My GF puts fu in place like I have to be there can’t be at our house and they can’t do certain things especially if my sister is involved who she hates the most. My family could have handled the situation better but my GF is not willing to make things better and always thinks they should make the move. She speaks about them to me and gets really angry when ever I mention them. A lot has gone on on all sides but it’s all mainly small things that getry blown out of proportion leaving me in the middle. I had supported my GF as my family don’t come to the house any more and see my children on her terms.its never enough.

    When it comes to my children I feel controlled by her and if I challenge something she can get aggressive and call me names. We do argue a lot but she goes overboard and has no boundaries on what she says to me. She will just talk at me won’t listen and interrupt me constantly so I feel I don’t have a say. When I do say something she twists what I say and repeats back something that is nothing that I said. I have also said some horrible things but I feel it’s when I am provoked.

    we have been to couples counselling twice and hasn’t really helped as her anger hasnt changed at all. . She also sees her own councillor on her anxiety but I feel they confirm her fears and also supports her feelings towards my family as she only gets one side.

    i am really unhappy but I can’t think of not seeing my children everyday plus financially splitting up would be a struggle. But money isn’t everything but my children are.

    When ever we argue how small she goes overboard with the insults to get her own way And for me to back down. Everything feels a battle. I genuinely can’t have a conversation that she doesn’t agree with without it going into an arguement.

    I have thought of leaving lots but never have done as it calms down and we go back to the status quo plus the thought of another man in the long term involved in my children’s lives and me not seeing them every day is really upsetting.

    Last edited by Ohwhat2do; 07-26-2018, 07:47 PM.

  • #2
    It's really bad that she hates your family, and you won't be able to have a perfect relationship with her if your family is cut off.

    First, you need to find out if she is willing to save your relationship and want to change things. If she's determined to do this, leaving her shouldn't be an option for you. You should only leave her when she doesn't want to work on the relationship.

    Remember, no relationship is perfect, you can only make your relationship perfect when you make effort to make it so.


    • #3
      There has never been a better time to put and end to the heartache of an unfulfilling relationship and when to leave a relationship.

      You can rebuild the happiness and close connection, thanks to the life-changing techniques you can research for spotting signs of a bad relationship.

      Is it the same when we feel disappointed or let down by our partners?

      In taking some meaning from the hurt you feel at being disappointed in signs of a bad relationship where there is an unfulfilling relationship, a colleague shared the following insight:

      It's easy to when the world around you, say your relationship is in good health is prospering, and when your fortunes turn and your world is in hardship, how you interact within your relationship can often paint an altogether different picture.

      "You feel disappointment" so keenly, because you love people, and love is also what keeps us coming back for more, keeps us trying to do things better, and helps us to keep trying even when we feel let down.

      You set standards of behavior for yourself and set the same high standards for those around you, and are disappointed when they let you down.

      I think the world of my friends.

      In taking a closer look, we realize that this is part of what love is about.

      Do we feel disappointment or hurt so keenly, because we put our partners up on such a pedestal and expect them to always get it?

      In many cases, the disappointment you feel is in your perspective of the situation.

      We love our friends, but the real test of a friendship or relationship is when, in times of crisis, we feel let down or disappointed in our loved ones or the outcome achieved.

      We feel a sense of togetherness to share our feelings with others when we are able.

      This was perhaps a little more complicated than I had anticipated, and it made me wonder whether the fault was on them for not living up to our expectations or standards, or whether our standards were in fact what was at fault.

      Is it fair to expect the same level of respect and love that you offer so freely to those that you love?

      How we feel about those we love can have a huge impact on the health of the relationship, much like a relationship with a friend.

      Relationship, like life, is a cycle of ups and downs.

      I tell myself that I must lower my expectations of others and that I will do so in what they expect of me, but the reality is that I seem unable to do so.

      Sharing our feelings of connection with others, and letting them know that what they do is valued.

      How do we let go of the hurt in an unfulfilling relationship and how to leave a relationship?

      It's about getting to know each other better even when there are signs of a bad relationship.

      Some would say that an unfulfilling relationship is lacking unconditional love which is giving love without the expectation of reciprocation. It doesn't make it any easier.

      In talking to a partner about your feelings and what leads you to feel these feelings is a valuable part of intimacy.

      It's about helping your partner see why you feel the way you do.

      There is also the fear that your comments can be taken the wrong way, or that they can be used against you or interpreted as a criticism.

      It's not about criticism.

      Part of loving those around you is knowing they share the same values as you, and that when you need it, they will be there to support you.

      Telling your partner about your feelings and expectations is a hard thing to do, and exposes you to a certain amount of vulnerability.

      And, keep in mind realizing that loving someone is about loving them even when they let you down.

      It may not be perfect, and it feels scary, but that is one of the most valuable parts of this exercise.

      It's about helping communicate a part of what makes you tick.

      Remember, if you're in an unfulfilling relationship seek out more tips on the web about unconditional love, and developing greater understanding of what it truly takes to create and foster a healthy and loving relationship.

      Knowing that quitting isn't an option, and that the benefit of hanging in there is going to deliver benefits to both of you is what keeps many people going.

      To a happy outcome in your relationship!

