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Want my ex back



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  • Want my ex back
    I don’t know how to write this without sounding pathetic and hopeless. Started dating the most amazing woman back in September 2017. The moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was the one. I have never had that feeling before. What I didn’t know is all the stuff that was about to hit me head on. 2 months into the relationship she told me that she was a recovering alcoholic. It didn’t really bother me, what did though was the fact that she lied about where she was going every morning. Telling me that she had “work meetings” every morning. But it was AA meetings obviously that she was going to. I made the mistake of talking to my roommate about it and he basically told me everything I didn’t want to hear, which I believed him and let that influence a lot of things. We dated for 7 months and broke up 3 different times in that period. I never wanted to do it in the first place, I loved this woman and would do anything to help her. I got to easily influenced by other people’s opinions and didn’t listen to my own. I love this woman and would do anything to be with her. After the last time we broke up she ended up meeting someone else and that just threw me overboard and really depressed. I cut off all contact with her for 2 months in hopes to reconnect and find a way to get back together. Well that didn’t turn out the way I expected. I broke silence and called her the other night. It was like a phone call from hell. All she could talk about was how amazing and successful this new guy is. He’s a lawyer and I’m a bartender mind you. They just got back from an amazing vacation with his kids and her kids. She kept saying how their going to move in together soon with all the kids and be one big happy family. This what not the phone call I was hoping for. She let this guy know right off the bat about how she was an alcoholic and gave him a much better chance than me. I don’t know where I went wrong but now I can’t even get out of bed. If I do it’s to go and drink! All I can think about is wishing that was me, I love this woman to death and it was a huge slap in face to hear all that and how quickly she could move and start a new life with someone else.
    I have never felt this low in life and drinking is the only thing that helps numb the pain. Any help would be great.

  • #2
    If your ex-girlfriend is being wooed by another man and you feel positively jealous and shattered then maybe it is time for you to get her back to you for good. If you are still in love with her and she seems to be enjoying the company of another man soon after the breakup, then you must be facing a traumatic situation. Here are a few tips on how to get your ex girlfriend back from another man -

    Do not give up hope - The first step is to positively affirm and strongly believe that your ex girlfriend is still fond of you and you can get her back with a little effort and a deep understanding on how to handle this delicate situation.

    Never be aggressive or grovel in your approach - No doubt, when you see your loved one with another man, your first instinct will be to either kick the other man or beg, grovel and cry asking her to come back. Refrain from spoiling your image. Rather, maintain a calm and dignified image and approach with a sure confidence.

    Never try to deter her by highlighting the other man's negative qualities - Talking about the other man's unflattering qualities to your ex girlfriend is the most selfish and immature thing you can do. This behaviour will actually backfire and send her running from you and get closer to him.

    Accept her relationship with the other man - A better approach is to accept their relationship and act in a matured manner. Let her understand you accept that she has moved on with her life. This will usually kindle her curiosity and make her sit up and notice you. This will also make her realize that you always want the best for her at all times.

    Be a good friend - Always be polite and friendly with her. Establish a comfortable relationship where she can approach you for any help as a good friend. Most women feel good remaining friends with their ex after the end of their relationship.

    Remain close to her in a non-threatening manner - Here again, do not be aggressive in any manner. Establish a close relationship in a non-threatening manner and wait for her feelings for the other man to run out which surely will.

    Be there for her whenever she needs you - With only genuinely good feelings, lend her a shoulder whenever she needs it, only as a friend. Remain patient to see if the new relationship ends before getting back into her life once and for all.


    • #3
      When you're thinking about how to get your ex girlfriend back from another man what's the first idea that pops into your head? I'm going to guess it has a lot to do with making him look unappealing in her eyes. Many men before you who have been in the same situation have tried this tactic. It typically involves things like digging up dirt from his past or even trying to lure him into a compromising situation. Anything like this should be on a list of things to not do to try and steal her back from him. This just does not work and it's something that you should completely avoid at all costs.

      You really must view things from a big picture standpoint if you want to steal your ex back from her new guy. This is going to take a good deal of effort and patience on your part but obviously the end result is a renewed romance with the woman you adore.

      Here's what you need to do first. Be her friend. You have to find a new place for yourself within her life. She has a boyfriend at the moment and it's not you. The sooner you can accept that, the better for everyone involved. You should definitely see your newfound friendship with her as a starting point. You'll work towards being more again but for now, this is where you need to start.

      Getting close to her again has to be your main goal. That's why a friendship is the best solution. You're going to be the type of friend she can turn to for everything, even to talk about the problems she's going through in her new relationship.

      Part of becoming a trusted and supportive friend is being kind and considerate to the new guy. This may very well be the most challenging part of stealing her back. You have to act like you like him and you can't seem jealous when you're around him. Doing that will make you look petty and insincere.

      As you move forward with your ex, do everything you can to show her why you're an essential part of her life. She'll start to feel closer to you again and as the cracks begin to show in her new romance, you'll be the strong shoulder she'll rely on. That's the foundation you must have in order to get her back again.

