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Intercultural relationship



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  • Intercultural relationship
    Hello everyone,
    i really need your advice as I am kind of desperate. Im from Europe and my bf is from Sri Lanka. We have been together for 1,5 years. We broke up 8 months ago and now he is about to break up with me again for the same reason:
    He has fears and is afraid about the future as we come from different cultures.
    We really love each other and get along, I almost live at his place and we are compatible. I pretty much adapted to his culture. However, he always has doubts of our future. He asked me whether i m willing to move with him to Sri Lanka and i said yes. We both work in the same company in an intercultural enviornment and there are many intercultural couple. I dont have any problems and doubts at all, but he does.
    For some time he seemed pretty sure about us, wanted to speak to my family and even went to an astrologist to calculte our horoscopes..
    But now he is currently visiting his parents in SL and his mom told him she isnt that happy he should carefully think about our future.
    Now he wants to leave me again, saying its so hard for him and he is gonna miss me so much.
    I dont know how i can handle this situation because i know we both love each other so much and I dont see any problem at all?! Any suggestions guys?
    Thank you!
    Last edited by nenab; 08-23-2018, 06:00 PM.

  • #2
    There is really nothing you can do in this case. He's in the position to make the decision for himself and all you can do is hope he has a change of mind.

    Originally posted by nenab
    He asked me whether i m willing to move with him to Sri Lanka and i said yes.
    I think you have proved yourself to him and willing to accept his culture. So, don't force yourself into him, just hope and pray and allow him make the decision.


    • #3
      First, you need to give him space. It will be best you tell him you need to give him space to think about things. Giving him space means no calling, texting or seeing each other. This will make him see your worth and come crawling back to you.

      The fact is that if he keeps seeing you around, he won't see how important you are to him and may choose to breakup with you.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bill View Post
        First, you need to give him space. It will be best you tell him you need to give him space to think about things. Giving him space means no calling, texting or seeing each other. This will make him see your worth and come crawling back to you.

        The fact is that if he keeps seeing you around, he won't see how important you are to him and may choose to breakup with you.
        thank you so much! Its true he asked for time. But we were texting constantly so maybe i should apply no contact?! I miss him so much and i want to tell him but you think its better i just dont text at all?


        • #5

          I talked to him again... the real reason is that he felt pressurized by me for marriage and he isnt sure whether he can do that or its the right time. I doesnt want to waste my time thats why he broke up. I told him that marriage is not my ultimate goal and i want to be with the person i love. I suggested to stay together and take things slow.. he is evaluating now... What do you think guys?

