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Break up



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  • Break up
    What can i do ? Now i am so depress !!! My ex have break up with me have other guy ! While we start couple life with more than 5 years ! What can i do now? I want get her back !!!!

  • #2
    If you have been thinking of calling your ex an try your best to get her to come back to you, forget about it altogether. Yes, you do have things that you want to and need to say to her, but believe me, right now is the wrong time to do it.

    Your relationship ended with you and your ex saying some really bad things to each other. These things cause a lot of pain and anger to both you and your ex. You are treading on VERY thin ice if you make any attempt whatsoever to try to get your ex girlfriend back at this stage.

    Just knowing that it is you who is calling her all the time, and sending her text messages at all times of the day or night, will make her explode - she does NOT want to talk to you right now. Leave her alone entirely. Let her work things out her own way, under her own steam. Call her now, and you will be interfering big time with her thoughts.

    Get your ex girlfriend back by respecting her need to be away from you for now. Let her sort out her emotions and get them back on track again. There will come a time when she starts thinking more positively about you, and that will be the perfect opportunity for you to try to get her back again.

    You will know when she is ready to talk to you. At some point she is going to realize that she DOES still love you, and will probably send you a text message or email. She will be feeling a little awkward about talking to you at this time, and will want some sort of confirmation as to how you feel about her.

    When you get this text message, grab the opportunity with both hands, and say the things that you have wanted to say to her for so long. Your positive message will let her know that you still love her, and this will prompt her into giving you a call. Of course when this happens, you get your ex girlfriend back.


    • #3
      First, you need to review exactly why you broke up in the first place. The best way to solve a problem is to get to the root cause and work from there. So take time to evaluate the circumstances surrounding the breakup. Identify the most obvious reasons, and then ask yourself if there may be underlying causes for those reasons. Write all of these down; seeing everything on paper will make it a lot easier to identify the necessary steps on how to get her back. After you have identified all the root causes for your relationship's breakdown, work on resolving the issues one by one.

      Second, always remember that looking desperate will not help you in any way. It will only make you look pathetic and prove to her that she was right in dumping you. No matter how it hurts you the longer that she is away from you, do not show any sign of desperation. Instead, make her fall in love with you again by highlighting the traits that she liked most about you.

      And if you think that making your ex jealous is a necessary part of how to get her back, then you'd better think again. Playing games and hurting her on purpose will only hurt your case. Remember, you want her to fall in love with you again so she must know for sure that you are available. You must prove to her that you are an important part of her life and vice versa. Flaunting another woman in front of her is definitely not the way to do that.

      Finally, after writing down the reasons for the breakup along with a concrete plan on how to get her back, you also have to come up with a plan on how to make the relationship work the second time around. It may be necessary to make certain lifestyle changes to make sure you don't make the same mistakes and that this time your relationship will be for keeps.

      However you plan to do this, remember that knowing how to get her back is only the first step and you may have quite a long way to go. Patience, therefore, is the key. You have to appreciate the value of waiting, for the rewards that you reap may be more than worth it. If you are serious about wanting her back, you have to make some serious effort as well.

