I'm sorry if this is long but I am so confused. I was with a guy on and off for 5 years and since end of sept we were speaking again and seeing each other. This time felt good and different and I thought we were headed somewhere stable. I was doing small things for him like giving him money for food, treating him out for lunch buying a vest, and giving him a notebook as a gift to help with his goals. He was low on funds and I was happy to help. I did small things to show I loved and supported him. I didn't do it to get something back but I wanted to feel appreciated. I was getting a little frustrated because I wasn't feeling valued the way I wanted and got upset. The last conversation we had was last week and I joked and asked him so when is our date? He replied oh well. What do you want to do? I said it's ok you don't want to like ever. The reason I said that was because he never takes the initiative to plan dates and do stuff together and put in effort that way. After that he just stopped texting. I got a little mad and send no one disappoints me more than you. And the next day I got even more mad and told him to etransfer me some of my money back. Still no answer. Then I gave it a day and realized he was more attentive that I thought but he did it in his own way. Ex. I made it known I was upset and he went out of his way to text me while he was out with friends. I took that gesture for granted. Then 2 days later I apologized. Still no answer. Then I sent 1 text and still no answer. Today I got so mad and started texting him and asking him what's going on please talk to me and what did I do? I messaged him and dmed him on Instagram. I'm not gonna lie I sent like 100 messages. He ended up blocking me on ig and whatsapp and maybe the real number. But I don't understand what I had said that was so wrong he disappeared. He's ignored me many times but he's always given me an answer if he's done or not. I'm still so confused about the whole situation. Is what I said that bad that I deserve it?
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Why isn't he speaking to me?
The only thing that you did that was wrong was terrorizing him with text messages. This act made you appear desperate and needy. So, now that you have made this mistake, I will advice you give him space and stop contacting him completely. Giving him space will make him miss you and eventually want you back.
Relationships end all the time, I should know because I've helped dozens of people in your situation before, and guess what? Plenty of broken relationships get repaired!
If your ex boyfriend means something to you, something that you don't want to let go of, then you have to read every word of this article.
I am a guy myself, I know how to male mind works and trust me, by the end of this article I'm going to show you how to get right inside your ex boyfriends head that he is going to be begging for you to come back.
Ok, so the first thing I want to tell you is a big mistake I see girls making that don't know how to get him back with them. You see, they try to use logic to persuade their ex boyfriend that they are the best for them.
One of my close pals split up with his girlfriend a few months back, and his ex was totally in love with him, so much so that she kept contacting me trying to persuade him to get back with her!
She was going about it totally the wrong way. She was sending him essays after essays on social networking sites and by texts about how much he meant to her, and how she is the only girl that "gets" him.
She then started going into detail about how well she treated him, how she was at university and was going to get a good job, how her family had money, all sorts of stuff like this! Can you imagine if love worked this way?
If you could convince someone to love you by sending a dossier over to them about the advantages of being in a relationship with them, then the world would just be full of guys learning how to write great reports to send off to supermodels!
Love cannot be ignited, or reignited, by logic. Love just happens.
Do you think if people were in love with each other out of logic, that some girls would date guys that treat them like dirt, constantly cheat on them and generally don't care? Of course not!
Love is an emotional feeling, and if you want to get him back, you need to reignite the emotion that he felt for you when you were together.
Luckily for you, guys are quite simple beings. We can be easily persuaded by girls if they know what they're doing, and you can easily learn how to get him back using the methods I'm about to show you.
First of all, you need to start rediscovering enjoyment in your life. Start hooking up with your friends and update your Facebook profile whenever you are out or doing something cool.
By indirectly showing your ex boyfriend that you are not just moping about, desperate for his attention, he's going to realize that you're an independent girl, and you don't need him as much as he thought.
Next, you need to let you ex boyfriend know that you have accepted the break up. This doesn't mean going up to him and saying "I'm glad we're not dating". It means admitting that the relationship wasn't working and that you need time apart.
What you do NOT want to do is spill your emotional guts all over the place, as that is a big turn off.