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Is it gone for Good?



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  • Is it gone for Good?
    Hey. Im a [24M] my ex is a [22F]

    Last year 6th November I met the girl of my dreams. ( we both agree on this ) We hit it off instantly. Within 4 weeks we had a relationship. This relationship lasted 4 months with 1 of us living together.

    Then we broke up. And our breakup was terrible. ( lasted about 10 months ) I stalked her with I cant say how many messages we made eachother jelous by the most redicilous things ever.

    I discovered I have borderline. I cant controle my emotions. During our relationship I lied alot and I emotionally ruined this girl. She also has anxiety issues.

    Last 2 weeks we were in good contact again. We kissed and hugged last yesterday. ( During our contact she constantly got mad about a girl I had sex with while we were not together ( she broke up with me )

    Yesterday we got in a huge argument again. I confronted her with that I need more then “just talking” she did not even save my contact in her phone. She said it was over but we continue to argue.

    So I went to her house. I was needy. I cried the whole time. She said that I dont understand her. “ I should be happy that she “Just wants to talk” She didnt know if it would ever work out because her family wont approve ( she choses her family of me which I understand ) and because of what happend. We hugged. She didnt want to Kiss. ( one on the cheek ) then I wanted to give her a hand and she became extremely mad. We agreed to sent Sweet dreams with a Kiss emoji. She said “Goodnight” with a other emoji. She didnt know if she loved me because she doesnt love herself. She blocked me on Instagram after ( probarly because I knew she was checking me )

    My question is guys, Do you Still think she loves me? I know our relationship was toxic and the best thing is to move on. But I right now I Just want to know if you guys she Still loves me and if there is any hope?

    Note: Yes I am aware of my mistakes. I’m in therapy for my borderline. Yes I know our relationship was toxic. I know the best thing is to move on for her and me I’m Just curious if she stoll loves me. We havnt spoken for a day now. Our longest without was 3 weeks then she or me searched contact. ( fighting, or Just saying Ho. Of she indirected contacted by liking she picture of the 1 girl I slept with while we were not together ( which she Still gets jelous and mad about )

  • #2
    The fact that she still gets jealous over a girl you slept with shows that she still loves you. Also, her still keeping contact with you is another sign she still has feelings for you.

    However, I think you recently messed things up with her again after being in contact by acting needy. You even went as far as to crying just because you wanted her back. This really ruined things for you.

    Now, it's best to avoid contacting her for at least 4 weeks. This will make her miss you and eventually want you back when you decide to contact her.


    • #3
      One of the telltale signs your ex girlfriend still loves you is her inability to let you go. If a woman is completely done with a relationship she likely won't want to remain friends. If your ex has expressed an interest in being your friend or if she seems to always want to talk, you can rest assured that she's definitely feeling something for you. She wants to keep the connection alive, even if it's just on a friendship level for now. That's a very good sign and shouldn't be overlooked.

      If your ex seems curious about your current dating status that's another of the signs she's still in love with you. If she was over you she wouldn't care who you were seeing. If she asks whether there's anyone new or wonders what you've been doing and who it involves, you can take heart. She's still harboring some strong feelings for you and isn't ready to let go of you just yet. Once a woman is completely over a man she actually wants him to be with someone else.

