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Will he ever get over his ex or should I just move on?



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  • Will he ever get over his ex or should I just move on?
    My boyfriend and I have been dating over a year now and I would say that our relationship is very strong and it has been very fun and exciting, etc as any new relationship would. He has two kids from a previous marriage which I spend a lot of time with and we get along great. He and his ex split 5 years ago but stayed married for personal/financial reasons. My boyfriend tries to reassure me that there is nothing there, however I beg to differ...

    I noticed early on that they were too close - texting fairly frequently, often not about the kids, still being tied together financially, still sharing a lot of things, basically acting like husband and wife but living separated. She has a boyfriend btw so she doesn’t need my bf to be at her beck and call. Once I came into the picture, she became hell for him. She hates me for no reason, we don’t know each other. There’s a lot of drama with her but he does his best to try to leave me out of it.

    Long story short, I asked him if he was going to divorce her because I can’t see our relationship progressing if he stays married. He tells me yes and that it’s been a long time coming and he needs closure. This is where I’m going to look like the bad guy... I have had my doubts with his feelings because of their behavior, he gives me a vibe that he just can’t let go. I have communicated my concerns and I just felt like he might be telling me what I want to hear. He has given me permission to look at his phone before but I recently looked at text between them from a few months ago that he doesn’t know about. He’s expressing to her how the divorce still makes him sad, then a few days later she’s thanking him for a small gift. They are still sharing text back and forth that is not kid related when I already told him I’m uncomfortable with them just talking because she’s trying to break us up anyway. Then he’s frequently searching her on Facebook, while at the same time she’s been having all these crazy demands and making his life hell.

    I just don’t understand it, it makes me want to tell him to get his priorities straight and leave him but I love him and I’m trying to be there for him while he goes through this at the same time. I also feel wrong confronting him and admitting I looked at his text and Facebook. I only looked to see their convo though, I trust him in general with other women. I needed reassurance that I was wrong about them but I didn’t really get that. This whole thing is making me feel like my feelings are on the back burner, and I’m not sure what to do. This is only summing up some of the bs too, I don’t want to go on and on but hoping someone can offer advice. I don’t want to go on feeling like second best to her.

  • #2
    Your boyfriend needs to get his priority straight. If he wants to be with you, then he needs to completely stop whatever he has with his ex. So, I'll advice you give him space, and tell him to only reach you when he has made his decision to be with you and leave his ex.


    • Sam1997
      Sam1997 commented
      Editing a comment
      I agree, he does... I will say this though, they are no longer together. They have been separate for 5+ years. They haven’t been living together that whole time and she has been living with another boyfriend so it’s more so the relationship they’re continuing to have. I don’t believe they’re intimate but I don’t like the closeness, especially since she treats me like I’m a threat. To me, there needs to be boundaries in place and she needs to respect that I’m his gf, that they’re not together, and that I just want him to move past what they had because he knows deep down it would never work out again but it’s like he’s having a hard time facing it. They’re in the middle of their divorce now though and he’s still pushing through the process - there’s been other changes he’s made too so it’s more reassuring to me but I’m having a hard time with him holding onto feelings for her, if that’s what it is.

  • #3
    five years is way beyond on a reasonable period for hanging tight with an ex. from your description his ex wife has morphed to his mistress he is using the children as a shield for being with her intimately. guys don't get ex girls gifts unless they are getting something from them in return. you need to tell him to pick her or you as a partner. if he chooses you then he needs to be accompanied by you when visiting her and share any other interactions. tell him you trust him with anyone but her to not appear overcontrolling his life or believing he is cheating with other than her.


    • #4
      I think you might be wasting your time being around him. If he hasn't gotten over his ex, then he might be using you as a rebound. He can't be in a relationship with you and still communicates with his ex wife frequently, it's totally unacceptable. It simply shows that he disrespects you and doesn't value you.

