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Am I crazy for wanting my ex back after what we went through??



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  • Am I crazy for wanting my ex back after what we went through??
    Some days are better than others when trying to cope with the break up and some I feel like I am going to vomit. July of 2017 we went on your first date, her being 12 years younger than me she was 18 and I was 30 (yes I know her age was a factor) but I gave it a shot anyways. I knew she had a child and her sons father attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the chest. He survived but I never really knew exactly why he would do such a thing which was three months prior to us meeting. Not to lie I did use me having a good career, being self sufficient, and having my own place etc. as factor to intrigue her.

    We talked for about 4 months before actually dating. During those 4 months I wasn't sure exactly how I felt until I went out of town on work and realized how much I actually did like her. While I was out of town I would see she went to an amusement park with another guy who she claimed was a friends boyfriend but wasn't. Her ex messaged me on facebook and she was so adamant about me not messaging him and I didn't want to deal with the drama anyways so I didn't. At this point I am out of town and she starts hanging out with this new "friend" who was a bad influence on her.

    She went to a music festival for her birthday when she turned 19 where the girls wear next to nothing and drugs are always involved. Me being out of town I didn't appreciate her going to this event without me at least being there. I didn't hear from her all weekend and it got to the point where she would take hours to answer me etc. This started to seem suspicious so I answered her ex and he told me a bunch of things that only me and her should have known and sent me all of these screen shots of things she was sending him(not good). I came home and we got into a big fight about it and I gave her the benefit of the doubt because we weren't technically dating while that was going on, she even offered to give me her facebook password to prove she wasn't doing anything wrong. The whole month of December ended up being fine.

    We saw each other every day and it was perfect. I then went to travel again for work in January and she came to visit me and I came home for my birthday(now 31) and we spent time together and like I said it was perfect. After one last time for the year of me being on the road is when stuff started becoming really bad. She had told me some guy at the bar stuck his finger in her vagina which she obviously said she didn't like but how it got to the point of that actually being able to happen is beyond me, or some kid her friend was sleeping with asked if he could have a threesome with them both but got mad at me for getting mad and told me she would break up with me if I messaged him. We had find my friends on our phones and one night she said she was home then all of a sudden I see her driving far and her phone was then shut off.

    After coming home it would be the same thing. She wouldn't answer me for hours on end sometimes not until the next day. It finally happened in March when she said she was going to the movies with a "friend" from work and hours after the movie was over she was ignoring me. I drove up to the movies and saw her car still there which was odd. I went home and came back and her car was gone, I then went to her apartment to see if she was home but her car was not there.

    Now to get this out of the way I feel like how I acted by doing this was not right but at the same time with everything that had been going on I also felt I had all the reason to dig a little and see what was going on. I did not hear from her until mid day the next day and told her we needed to have a talk. I went over to her place that night and she finally said "look maybe we should date anymore then!" That was when we officially broke up. We still hung out for a little after that and she got a new job working at a tattoo shop which I could see her messages to her boss which were super flirty along with her sister who got into an argument with and not knowing I could see the messages she called her out for doing drugs all the time and cheating on me etc. After that a month went by and I didn't see her. Then she said she missed me and came back around for two weeks and I helped her out financially and what not.

    Then left again and came back for a week...same stuff.. Then left again said her boss raped her and she got fired and was feeling depressed so I was there for her. At this point everything was fine with us. One day she felt depressed and went to the hospital where they took her in because she was feeling suicidal and i was there every moment of it. Once she got a new job and I was on the road again she of course wanted to end it. Trough out her coming and going I heard from multiple people how she cheated on me and was doing drugs and all. I found her on dating apps and she told me she wasn't ready for a relationship and this and that and not long after she started dating a piercer at where she worked. She is now 20 and "so in love" with this new boyfriend and I honestly cant help the fact that I want her back in my life. I miss her so much. It kills me seeing her happy with another guy. I feel like i have been made out to be the bad guy in this whole thing and she wasn't completely over her ex while with me. I feel like she has changed and does not cheat on the new guy or do anything dishonest. Her depression is no longer there or anything like that. I did have my flaws when it came to my anger at times or she said I was "clingy" which wasn't the case but I just don't know what to do...

  • #2
    You have gone through hell just because of this girl. So, it won't be wise to still try to get her back. The fact that she doesn't cheat on the new boyfriend doesn't mean she won't cheat on you if she comes back. So, I'll advice you move on with your life and quit hoping to be with her.


    • #3
      I think you are crazy for wanting her back. You deserve better, and she isn't right for you. If she has changed now that she is with a new boyfriend, shows that she didn't love you hence she acted the way she did while with you. You must understand that she loves the new boyfriend more than you, so it will be impossible to get her back. You were probably a rebound hence she never loved you. I'll advice you forget about her and get a new girlfriend.


      • #4
        she is a drama queen for sure. doubt her storylines are realistic just a way to keep you fishing for her. the fact she is with you and her current lover should alert you that she is not the faithful type. surely you can find a more stable and compatible chick to be close to. this relationship is quite toxic.


        • #5

          She is communicating and teasing you to keep you interested in her. She is not done with you yet

