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My Ex moved into my apartment complex.



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  • My Ex moved into my apartment complex.
    I made a long drawn out post yesterday about our situation but long story short after we officially broke up in March we have been on and off with her saying things like " I need to focus on myself" and "when I do want to settle down I only want it to be with you"..bla bla bla..after seeing her and dating sites and stuff. I did not see her for about a month and when I finally did she stayed the night (no sex) but we kissed and stuff and the next day me her and her son went to the pumpkin patch. About a week later she is now dating someone else who she "loves so much." I contacted her because I had some of her sons toys and she told me she moved......into my apartment complex! She didn't want to tell me because she thought I didn't want to talk to her. Granted she lives in the back she has to drive by my truck and my apartment everyday to get in and out. The mailbox is right across from my apartment, my balcony over looks the pool (which she would love to use while we dated), and I am steps away from the leasing office. She moved in with her son but now that she is dating someone I know they will be swimming or in the hot tub late at night while I am home sitting on my balcony( I smoke) etc. I am just curious as into why she would move into my complex when she could have literally went anywhere else knowing that is where I lived.

  • #2
    I think there's a probability she still likes you, hence she wants to stay close to you. There isn't any explanation as to why she would want to stay in your apartment complex, rather than her still having feelings for you. However, since she now has a boyfriend, you need to give her space.


    • #3
      Now that she has a boyfriend and moved into your apartment complex, she just might be trying to make you jealous. However, I feel she still have feelings for you, but don't initiate any conversation with her. Let her be the one to initiate a conversation if she wish to.


      • #4
        from being with you in that complex she probably liked layout and met other people. since you are actively chasing her she has no reason to make you jealous. having her current lover (i assume he sleeps over on occasion) so close will complict your relationship with her. does her current choice know you are an ex and live close to his babe?


        • #5
          Originally posted by inkedpino

          1. she never met anyone here.
          2. I am not actively chasing her. The last time I saw her was the beginning of October and we have spoken twice since then.
          3. I do not know if he knows or not.

          She was going to move into her parents apartment complex which is the same management company as mine but I guess the majority of the employees at that leasing office moved to this office and there were no apartments available at her parents complex so they suggested her to move here. Knowing I live here she still went through with it telling me " I wanted to tell you but I didn't think you wanted to talk to me"
          So seems her decision was quite innocent and unrelated to you as I thought. Seems you are well aware of reason she is in your complex so confused by your original question... "i am just curious as into why she would move into my complex when she could have literally went anywhere?"


          • #6
            You already answered this question "She was going to move into her parents apartment complex which is the same management company as mine but I guess the majority of the employees at that leasing office moved to this office and there were no apartments available at her parents complex so they suggested her to move here."

            Since you and her no longer have any connections her living in the same complex is not an issue. Surely not worth three clap backs from you about an ex that has clearly moved on from you.

