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Can I get her back ?



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  • Can I get her back ?
    Alright how can I start this me and my step sister have been dating for three years now since she was 17 and I was 18 .Last month she says she’s not in love with me anymore but still has love for me . She told her mom about our relationship in our first month of being together and she approved but she hasn’t told her dad and I haven’t told my mom or anybody that we were together and it hurts that I have no one to vent to but her about how I feel about a relationship that none of my friends of family knew about . I still love her do you think we can get back on the same path and who can I vent to besides her ?

    i feel like there’s gonna be a lot of questions so ask away

  • #2
    Has she offered reasons she lost her love with you? Is impossible to advise you without this information as these are the primary problems you have to address if possible to rekindle her passion for you. . Kinda late in the game for you to come out to someone else since on the cusp of ending the relationship but you can pick anyone you trust to keep it confidential.


    • #3
      Now what? Can I make her fall in love with me again?

      The answer is probably, but proceed carefully. Try these suggestions...

      1) Back off and don't stalk her. That is annoying, creepy, and illegal! Women are very emotional (as if you didn't know that already) and they need time to process all those emotions. That includes talking it out with friends, thinking about it over and over, and playing out various scenarios in her mind.

      2) Wait for several days, then send flowers. Think that's corny? Yes, maybe, but women love it! Include a thoughtful, yet light note. Something like, "I'm so sorry I hurt you." That will definitely start to turn things around.

      3) Wait at least another week. Write a note (yes, old fashioned snail mail) on a pretty card, for example, "Hope you're doing well. If you need anything, let me know." Now personalize it with something that you do to help her out, such as checking her car for repairs or backing up her computer.

      4) If you have common friends, see if you can arrange to be invited to the same social occasion. When you see her again, be light and upbeat. Don't pounce on her, just say a casual, "Hi, how are you?" Let her take the lead. If she strikes up a conversation, go with it. If she doesn't, back off. Whatever you do, don't act needy and desperate.

      5) If she shows an interest, gently ask if she would be willing to go out again.

      There is your answer for how to "make her fall in love with me again." Don't rush it, be gentle, and you'll sweep her off her feet.


      • #4
        I'll advice you end your relationship with your step sister, because you aren't going to have a lasting relationship with her. You are suppose to have a girlfriend you can show off to your friends and family, and not someone you hide from others. It's better to find someone else you'll be proud of as a girlfriend.

