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Saw my ex and the things she said confused me.



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  • Saw my ex and the things she said confused me.
    Me and my Ex went through a rough break up. Towards the end I heard things like "I am not ready for what you are, when i am ready to settle down I want it to be with you etc." We hung out after that and she stayed the night we kissed and stuff but that was about it. The following day me her and her son went to the pumpkin patch and things were fine. 10 days later I see she is in a relationship with another guy.

    Just last week I found out she moved into my apartment complex by telling her I still had some of her sons toy's and I could drop them off. I saw her and her new bf driving out of my complex and my heart dropped. I haven't had the chance to go over to bring her sons toys because he has always been awake and she doesn't want to confuse him by seeing me which i get. Last night he was at her parents so I went over there (first time actually seeing her in two months) I was already making dinner for myself which was a meal she really enjoyed so I brought her some and I noticed things around her apartment from me. The elf on the shelf that my step mom gave her for her son, a Christmas plate on her table that my mom gave her, a Painting I made her that she plans on hanging up etc.

    She brought up The current situation and apologized to me saying how sorry she was with telling me one thing and having a new boyfriend now. At the time we dated she had a friend who was a terrible influence on her, she started experimenting with drugs and never really had her son, her parents always would. Now that we are not together she does not hang out with this friend and even said to me "she is a bad influence everything you said was right." she also said she does not do drugs and is always home with her son. If things were like this while we were together our relationship would have been fine. Her new bf knows I live in the same complex and she told me that she will love me and always love me I was just to good for her because i have my sh*t together, good job, etc. so i asked if her new boyfriend had his sh*t together and she was hesitant and said "ehh kinda"

    She even said they don't talk she doesn't know about his past and he doesn't know about hers and they really don't know too much about each other. He has yet to meet her family and has only seen her son once and that was only because she was with him and her parents had something to do so she had to pick him up. Where me and her son got a long really well and I loved him. She said she does like him and would like for things to get serious and see where they go but then would say she purposely drives by my apartment rather than going the other way so she can see my truck there because it makes her feel good knowing i'm close. She brought up yes we can hang out just as friends multiple times. She told me not to message her bf telling him things we had talked about because she wants to stay friends. I told her before I left that no matter how she felt if she thought she was a burden to me regardless of her having a bf now that she was one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I loved her and always will love her and i would still do anything for her if she needed me to. told her to drive safe and that was it. I am just confused as into how she really feels. With her moving into the same complex knowing I lived there and saying one thing that contradicts another.

  • #2
    She told you she likes her new boyfriend and wants thing to get serious. That's already a red flag, so forget about her and move on with your life.


    • #3
      You need to take a closer look at why your ex girlfriend wants to stay friends. Typically when a relationship ends and both partners are grateful, all communication between them will essentially stop. There's no reason for them to continue to talk if they don't want to remain a part of one another's lives. If your girlfriend has suggested that being friends is something she desires, take that as a promising sign. She wants to keep a connection open to you which means the possibility for you two to get back together as a couple is still very much there.

      In order to use the friendship as a way to regain her love and affection if you have to set out to be the very best friend you can. That means you need to push your romantic feelings for her to the back burner for the time being. You have to focus on being there for her and being as supportive as you possibly can.

      Tread lightly in the early stages of your developing friendship with your ex girlfriend. Give her plenty of time and space. Call her once or twice a week to touch base and show a genuine interest in what's going on in her life. She'll come to see you as someone she can depend on and that will help her learn to trust you with her heart again.

      Encourage her to confide in you and always offer your honest opinion when she asks for it. You need to show her that regardless of what's happened in the past between the two of you, you'll always be a strong and dependable presence in her life. If she feels that, she'll feel the pull back to wanting something more with you again.

      Remember that many failed relationships were reborn through friendship. Stay steady on the course of being her best friend and you'll be able to shift that over to boyfriend again when the time is right.

