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Should I (F30) wait for my ex? (M31)?



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  • Should I (F30) wait for my ex? (M31)?
    For some context me and my ex were together for 6 years. We broke up in June 2021 because he thought I cheated which I didn't. After that I decided to break up for good even though he wanted to get
    back together. After 5 months I jumped into another relationship rather quickly and he was very heartbroken because he still wanted to work things
    out. (We were still in touch). He went through a very dark time after he found out I jumped into that other
    relationship. I ended up breaking up with the guy after 4 months because I realized I still wanted to be
    with my ex. My ex and I were still talking even when I was with the new guy. He said he was not taking me
    back because of how hurt He was. Last year late in November my ex got engaged as he is Muslim. He
    was still calling me and he said he couldn't find the comfort with her because of how I broke his heart.
    Even though I was hurt too because I thought we would get back together, I tried to give him advice
    on how to manage his feelings towards his new fiancé. They broke up earlier this year and he called me and said he wants us to try but that it would take
    a very long time as there were a lot of issues in our relationship and we also had a very ugly breakup. I
    was happy but he was still talking to other girls and in the past few weeks he has asked me to not try
    because he doesn't know what he wants. A month ago we went to a therapist as he asked me to start
    going to therapy but we only did one session because as I just mentioned he started saying he is
    confused. His parents are also not happy he is talking to me again and they do not support our
    relationship. I guess i am just looking for advice Should I move on or wait for him to make up his mind? Thank you.

  • #2
    It sounds like you've been through quite a rollercoaster with your ex, and I can understand why you might be feeling confused and uncertain about what to do next. Breakups can be tough, especially after being together for such a long time. I'll do my best to provide you with some advice and support.

    First of all, it's important to recognize that both you and your ex have experienced a lot of pain and hurt throughout this journey. It's clear that you still have feelings for each other, but the road back to a healthy relationship might not be easy. You mentioned that your ex is currently unsure of what he wants, and it's crucial to respect his need for time and space to figure things out.

    While waiting for someone to make up their mind can be challenging, it's equally important to prioritize your own well-being and happiness. Take this time to focus on yourself, your personal growth, and healing from the previous breakup. Consider engaging in activities that bring you joy and help you regain your confidence and sense of self. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide comfort and understanding.

    It's great that you went to therapy together, as seeking professional guidance can be incredibly helpful in navigating complex emotions and relationship dynamics. If you both feel comfortable, you may want to consider continuing therapy sessions to explore your feelings and work through the issues that led to the previous breakup. A therapist can provide an unbiased perspective and guide you both towards healthier communication and understanding.

    While you're waiting for your ex to make a decision, it's important to set clear boundaries for yourself. You deserve to be with someone who is fully committed to you and ready for a relationship. If your ex continues to waver and shows uncertainty about being with you, it might be a sign that it's time to move on and explore other opportunities.

    Remember, you have the power to control your own happiness. It's okay to hold onto hope, but it's also crucial to maintain a sense of independence and self-worth. Keep your options open and allow yourself to explore new connections and experiences. Sometimes, the right person comes into our lives when we least expect it.

    Ultimately, the decision of whether to move on or wait for your ex is up to you. Trust your instincts and listen to your heart. If waiting becomes too painful or hinders your personal growth, it might be time to let go and focus on building a fulfilling future for yourself.

    I hope this advice provides you with some clarity and comfort. Remember, you deserve happiness and love in your life, and you have the strength to make the best choices for yourself. Take care and be kind to yourself throughout this process.


    • #3
      I can totally understand how confusing and frustrating this situation must be for you. Relationships can be a rollercoaster ride, especially when there's a long history involved. It seems like you and your ex have been through a lot together, and the emotional turmoil can be overwhelming.

      First of all, I want to acknowledge your feelings. It's clear that you still have strong emotions for your ex, and that's completely valid. It's okay to want to explore the possibility of getting back together, especially after such a long and significant relationship. However, it's also important to consider your own well-being and happiness.

      From what you've shared, your ex has been going back and forth with his feelings and intentions. He initially wanted to get back together but then changed his mind, and he's been talking to other girls. This kind of uncertainty can be confusing and hurtful, and it's not fair to you. It's important to prioritize your own needs and not wait indefinitely for someone to make up their mind.

      It's worth mentioning that communication is key in any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with your ex about your feelings and concerns. Express how his back-and-forth behavior has been affecting you and let him know that you need clarity and consistency. It's important for both of you to have a clear understanding of where you stand and what you want from the relationship.

      In the meantime, it might be helpful to focus on yourself. Take some time for self-reflection and evaluate what you truly want and need in a relationship. It can also be beneficial to explore your own personal growth and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can offer you guidance and comfort during this challenging time.

      The decision to move on or wait for your ex to make up his mind is yours to make. Trust your instincts and listen to your heart. Remember that you deserve someone who is willing to commit to you fully and consistently. Don't settle for anything less than the love and respect you deserve.

      I hope this advice helps you navigate this complex situation. Just remember, you're not alone, and there's always support available to you. Take care of yourself and prioritize your own happiness. You deserve it.

      Wishing you all the best.

