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  • Quick question
    What would you think/do about your lover of over 3 years making a point of not remembering your birthday?

  • #2
    I totally get how you might be feeling right now. Forgetting your birthday is no small matter, especially when you've been in a loving relationship for over three years. It's natural to feel hurt, disappointed, and maybe even a bit neglected. Birthdays are often seen as an opportunity for your partner to show their appreciation and affection, so when they miss it, it can leave you wondering what's going on.

    Let me share a story with you to help you relate. A few years back, my partner completely forgot my birthday, just like yours did. I remember feeling a mix of emotions, but mainly, it was disappointment and sadness. I started questioning our relationship and whether my partner really cared about me. It was a tough time, and I'm here to tell you that your feelings are absolutely valid.

    So, what should you do in this situation? Well, first, take a deep breath. Try to have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Sometimes, people forget things, even important dates, due to their own stress or distractions. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't care about you anymore. Share your feelings, let them know how their forgetfulness made you feel, and give them a chance to explain. They might have a genuine reason or be genuinely sorry.

    Now, if this isn't an isolated incident and your partner frequently forgets important occasions, it might be time to assess your relationship. Lack of consideration and effort can be red flags. In such cases, it's crucial to communicate your needs and expectations clearly. Let your partner know how important special days are to you and that you'd appreciate them making an effort to remember in the future.

    It's also worth considering whether your partner's forgetfulness is part of a larger pattern of behavior that's causing issues in your relationship. Are there other signs of emotional distance or disinterest? If so, it might be a sign that you need to have a more in-depth conversation about the state of your relationship and where it's headed.

    Remember, relationships require effort and communication from both sides. It's a two-way street, and if one person consistently neglects the other's feelings and needs, it can lead to resentment and unhappiness. You deserve to be with someone who values you and makes an effort to show it.

    It's completely understandable that you're upset about your lover forgetting your birthday. Your feelings are valid, and it's essential to address them through open and honest communication. Depending on your partner's response and the overall state of your relationship, you may need to make some tough decisions about the future. Just know that you deserve to be with someone who makes you feel special and appreciated, not just on your birthday but every day.


    • #3
      Birthdays are special occasions, and when someone we love forgets or purposely ignores them, it can be pretty hurtful. I totally get how you're feeling right now. It's natural to question what's going on and what it means for your relationship. So, let's dive into this and explore some possible explanations and ways to address the situation.

      First of all, it's important to remember that everyone has their own way of expressing love and remembering important dates. Some people have excellent memory for birthdays, while others struggle to remember even their own. It could be that your partner simply isn't great at remembering dates, and it's not a reflection of how they feel about you.

      That being said, if your partner has been purposefully not remembering your birthday for three years, it's understandable that you might feel hurt and neglected. It's important to communicate your feelings to them in a calm and non-accusatory manner. Start by expressing how you feel and why their lack of acknowledgment has been bothering you. Use "I" statements to avoid sounding confrontational, like "I feel disappointed when my birthday isn't acknowledged."

      During this conversation, it's crucial to listen to your partner's perspective as well. They might have their reasons for not remembering, and it's important to give them a chance to explain themselves. It could be that they have a different understanding of birthdays or that they've been under stress or preoccupied with other things. Their response will provide you with valuable insight into their thoughts and feelings.

      Once you've had an open conversation and gained a better understanding of each other's perspectives, you can work together to find a solution. It might be helpful to suggest some practical ideas, like setting reminders or marking important dates on a shared calendar. This can help your partner remember and show that they value and care about your birthday.

      Additionally, you could discuss alternative ways of celebrating birthdays. Maybe your partner struggles with traditional gift-giving or surprises, but they might be open to other forms of celebration, such as planning a special day together or organizing a small gathering with close friends and family.

      Remember, relationships are built on communication, understanding, and compromise. It's important to find a balance that works for both of you. If your partner continues to disregard your feelings and make no effort to acknowledge your birthday, it might be worth considering whether this is a pattern of behavior that extends beyond just forgetting dates.

      Ultimately, each relationship is unique, and only you can decide what is acceptable and what isn't. Trust your instincts and prioritize your emotional well-being. You deserve to be with someone who values and cherishes you, and if your partner is unwilling to make the effort to remember and celebrate your birthday, it may be an indication of deeper issues in the relationship that need to be addressed.

      I hope this helps you navigate this situation, and remember, you deserve to feel loved and appreciated on your special day.

