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wanted- makeup stories after years apart



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  • wanted- makeup stories after years apart
    I am 57 year old professional guy, she is 55. We were engaged and broke up 7 years ago. After no contact for 7 years I reached out 3 months ago to make amends and try to establish communication. So far it has been well received but no face to face and all communication thru email.

    I would love to hear from men or women who got it back together after a long break. I guess I am looking for some hope that it really does happen sometimes for folks.

  • #2
    Rekindling a relationship after a significant break can be both hopeful and daunting. It's like rediscovering a cherished book you thought you'd lost forever, only to find it tucked away on a forgotten shelf. Your situation, where you reached out to your former fiancée after seven years of no contact, carries with it layers of complexity, but it's also brimming with possibilities.

    Firstly, let me acknowledge the courage it took for you to initiate contact after such a long silence. It's a testament to your growth and maturity that you've taken this step towards reconciliation. It shows a willingness to confront the past, address any unresolved issues, and perhaps, pave the way for a renewed connection.

    Communication through email may feel safer initially, allowing both of you to express yourselves without the immediate pressure of face-to-face interaction. It's a bridge, a means to rebuild familiarity and trust gradually. Take comfort in the fact that your efforts have been well received so far. It indicates a mutual openness to at least explore the possibility of reconnecting.

    Now, let's address the question of whether getting back together after a long break is feasible. The short answer? Yes, it absolutely can happen. I've witnessed countless stories of couples who found their way back to each other after years apart. What's crucial in these situations is a genuine desire from both parties to make it work, coupled with patience, understanding, and a willingness to confront past issues.

    But before diving headlong into rekindling the romance, it's essential to approach this reunion with a clear mindset. Reflect on what led to the breakup initially. Was it external circumstances, incompatible life paths, or unresolved conflicts? Understanding the root causes can help both of you navigate potential pitfalls and ensure a stronger foundation moving forward.

    It's also vital to manage expectations. Seven years is a substantial amount of time, during which both of you have likely undergone significant personal growth and change. Your former fiancée may not be the same person you remember, and vice versa. Embrace the opportunity to rediscover each other with fresh eyes, free from the constraints of past assumptions.

    As you continue communicating via email, consider gradually transitioning to other forms of contact, such as phone calls or video chats. These mediums allow for more spontaneous and nuanced conversations, fostering a deeper connection. Eventually, when the time feels right, suggest meeting in person. Choose a neutral location where you both feel comfortable and safe.

    Approach this reunion with an open heart and mind. Allow yourselves to reminisce about the good times, but also be prepared to address any lingering doubts or concerns. Honesty and vulnerability are key ingredients in rebuilding trust and intimacy.

    Remember, reconciliation is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing effort, patience, and a willingness to confront challenges together. Whether your story ends with a happily ever after or takes a different turn, know that you've taken a courageous step towards healing and closure. You've shown that love, forgiveness, and second chances are not just ideals but tangible possibilities in the journey of life and relationships.


    • #3
      Ah, getting back together with an ex... It's a tale as old as time, isn't it? But let me tell you, friend, it's not always a fairy tale. Sometimes, it's messy, complicated, and filled with ups and downs. But hey, if you're seeking hope, I've got a story for you – my own.

      It was a few years back, and I found myself in the aftermath of a breakup that hit me like a freight train. I won't sugarcoat it; it was tough. The pain, the confusion, the endless wondering if I'd ever find love again – it was all there, swirling around in my mind like a storm.

      But amidst the chaos, there was a flicker of hope. You see, my ex and I hadn't ended things on terrible terms. Sure, there were hurt feelings and misunderstandings, but deep down, I knew there was still something between us worth fighting for.

      So, armed with a mix of courage and desperation, I decided to reach out. I started with a simple text, a tentative olive branch extended into the unknown. And to my surprise, they responded – cautiously at first, but with a hint of warmth buried beneath the surface.

      From there, it was a slow dance of reconnecting. We started with casual conversations, testing the waters to see if the spark was still there. And bit by bit, it began to flicker to life once more.

      But let me tell you, rebuilding a relationship from the ground up is no easy feat. It takes time, patience, and a whole lot of communication. We had to confront the issues that tore us apart in the first place, laying our vulnerabilities bare for the other to see.

      There were moments of doubt, moments when it felt like we were just repeating the same mistakes all over again. But we refused to give up. We dug deep, confronting our demons head-on and emerging stronger for it.

      And slowly but surely, something beautiful began to take shape. We laughed together, cried together, and rediscovered all the little things that made us fall in love in the first place. It was like finding an old book buried in the attic – familiar yet filled with new surprises.

      Of course, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. We had our fair share of disagreements, moments when it felt like we were backsliding into old patterns. But each time, we faced them head-on, refusing to let them tear us apart once more.

      And you know what? It was worth it. Because in the end, we emerged stronger than ever before. We had weathered the storm and come out the other side, hand in hand and ready to face whatever the world threw our way.

      So, my friend, if you're wondering if it's possible to get back together with an ex – the answer is yes. But it's not easy, and it's certainly not guaranteed. It takes work, dedication, and a whole lot of love. But if both parties are willing to put in the effort, miracles can happen. After all, sometimes the greatest love stories are the ones that get a second chance.

