Hi everybody, I just needed a bit of perspective here. I've been seeing a guy casually for the last 6 months. He's incredibly busy and has a very strong focus on his career. The other night I kept pushing for clarification on our status and where we were going. I sent him texts the next day trying to keep the conversation going. He likes me and told me he wants to keep me in his life but that he can't be dating anybody right night because he just wants to focus on his career. He told me he would be in a better place to talk about it 2 weeks or so. So I sent him a message telling him how I felt, and I acknowledge I let my insecurity and hurt drive me to push and push. Yesterday he sent me a message saying that he honestly doesn't feel comfortable talking about romantic and relationship stuff at this time of his life, and doesn't want to lead me on. The other night he told me he thinks I'm 'cool as ' and that he wants to keep me in his life. The message he sent yesterday, he told me that he thinks I'm great. Previous texts I sent him flagging the possibility of meeting friends and going on fun dates were met with positivity and receptiveness. So when he sent me the message yesterday telling me that he 'thinks we should just be friends for the time being'... well, I'm confused.
Do you think he's being genuine? I asked him if he could clarify what exactly that meant (whether it was a soft break up or he genuinely just wanted space), and I admit I kept pestering him, then asked if I could call him. He said no, that he was way to busy and didn't want to talk about it that night. So I responded with a message saying that I understand and that I think we should just foster a friendship with no expectations, I also said that if things are meant to be then they will happen organically. I'm going to let go of my expectations as I know they have possibly driven off this great guy for good. I told him to reach out if he wants us to try again, and when I mentioned some fun things we could do as friends he said it all 'sounds good', and he thanked me for respecting his boundaries (as I had told him that I don't want to cross anymore boundaries just because of my feelings.
So yeah. My questions are: 1. Do you think he really is just being honest and wants to focus on his career and will be happy to re-engage later (Ie: Why would he want to remain just friends but then add 'for the time being' if he wasn't interested in me)? 2. Has anyone here ever broken up with an ex, built a friendship and then had it develop into a relationship later on? 3. Do you think my actions are irredeemable? I want to drop the expectations and just go back to dating, square one (not with him, just for myself so I don't get tunnel vision and build new expectations). I definitely want to be open to trying again with this guy, but I want to build a friendship based off of neutral expectations while keeping an open mind. Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks everyone!
Do you think he's being genuine? I asked him if he could clarify what exactly that meant (whether it was a soft break up or he genuinely just wanted space), and I admit I kept pestering him, then asked if I could call him. He said no, that he was way to busy and didn't want to talk about it that night. So I responded with a message saying that I understand and that I think we should just foster a friendship with no expectations, I also said that if things are meant to be then they will happen organically. I'm going to let go of my expectations as I know they have possibly driven off this great guy for good. I told him to reach out if he wants us to try again, and when I mentioned some fun things we could do as friends he said it all 'sounds good', and he thanked me for respecting his boundaries (as I had told him that I don't want to cross anymore boundaries just because of my feelings.
So yeah. My questions are: 1. Do you think he really is just being honest and wants to focus on his career and will be happy to re-engage later (Ie: Why would he want to remain just friends but then add 'for the time being' if he wasn't interested in me)? 2. Has anyone here ever broken up with an ex, built a friendship and then had it develop into a relationship later on? 3. Do you think my actions are irredeemable? I want to drop the expectations and just go back to dating, square one (not with him, just for myself so I don't get tunnel vision and build new expectations). I definitely want to be open to trying again with this guy, but I want to build a friendship based off of neutral expectations while keeping an open mind. Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks everyone!