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I broke up with him but i regret it



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  • I broke up with him but i regret it
    Its been 2 weeks since the break up and he never once contacted me until i gave in and he only attack me saying to leave him alone ....i feel its over for real nows and im not coping with it well ! We dated 5 yrs i broke up with him cuz of trust issues

  • #2
    As miserable and regretful as you are, the actions you take now are critical to whether or not you can get your ex boyfriend back. All you can think about is staying in his head and heart. So, you wait by the phone to see if he is going to call. You stay home in case he decides to come and see you. You talk to your friends, or his to get their advise on the situation. You want to know if he has talked to them as well. It is a terrible state of limbo to be stuck in, and the less you know about what he is doing or how he is feeling, the more frustrated, scared, and desperate you become.

    This is where you need to be careful of the "knee jerk" reactions to this situation, because they can send him even further away and jeopardize any chance of a reconciliation. If you are calling him too much, sending him e-mails, or text messaging him all the time, you can make him feel smothered. Another mistake you can make is trying to make him feel sorry for you. Weakness in this situation is not very attractive.

    You are going to need to approach this differently. To begin with, don't contact him for a while and give him the impression you are just moving forward. By doing this, you can focus on new ways of improving your own life, gaining new self-esteem and self-assurance. This can also help take your mind off the relationship and the issues at hand.

    The saying goes "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is true. During the time that you are moving forward, and he is not hearing from you, he may start to feel a shift in how he feels about you. He begins to wonder what you are doing, thinking and feeling, because you are not pursuing him. You are now becoming mysterious to him. He is thinking of you, and perhaps even missing you. Now you can look for the signs that your ex wants you back. He may initiate contact with you, ask your advise on a situation, or ask about you through your friends. So, go ahead and play a little hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move. Perhaps meeting for dinner or a drink and some light conversation. Keep it simple, without rehashing the reasons for the breakup. A better conversation at this time would be discussing why you got together to begin with. This can help lead you to the connection and passion you had in the beginning. By placing yourselves back to the "good times", you may then be able to start working on the problems of the relationship and make it healthier than it was before.


    • #3
      If you're depressed after a breakup and hoping to get your ex boyfriend to want you back, you're probably making mistakes that will bite you in the ass. Are you coming off as needy? Doing things you wouldn't normally do? Begging, pleading, drunk dialing, and crying on his voicemail? Humiliating yourself in the name of love?

      Girlfriend, it has to stop!!! No matter how desperate you feel inside, looking desperate will only make it worse. We've all been there, so don't beat yourself up about it. The important thing is to change what you do from now on. Of course, that isn't easy, but you're here to learn how to come out on top.

      When you think of going back to desperate antics, just remember that it will only make you unattractive. Instead of helping to get him to want you back, it will make him see you as a sad, needy doormat-someone he either wants to walk all over or walk away from. You don't want that, right?

      How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend To Want Me Back...

      Not only will the following techniques help you win him back; they will help you maintain your self-respect and earn his respect too. They will make you, and your relationship, stronger than ever.
      1. Stop arguing. It's tempting to go back and forth with your ex about who caused the breakup, but you must stop having these arguments. If he insists on talking about it, just listen to his point of view. Decide if there is anything you can learn from what he says. Surely you weren't a perfect angel in the relationship, so use this as an opportunity to apologize for something specific. Don't take responsibility for all the relationship problems. Don't apologize for having feelings and opinions. Simply acknowledge your mistakes and say you're sorry for them. This is a difficult step, but you must decide what's most important: fixing your relationship or being right. This approach often deescalates anger, and leads to an apology from him as well.
      2. Don't tell him that you can't live without him (or that he can't live without you). No man likes being manipulated or pushed, so don't use these tactics to get your ex boyfriend back. By telling him that he's nothing without you, you appear hateful and you push him to prove you wrong. Along the same lines, telling him that you can't live without him will push him to find a girl who can. The bottom line is this: Desperation is ugly. Men want confident, self-assured women who don't beg or push.
      3. Give him room to pursue. Because men naturally love a chase, they place higher value on things (and people) they have to work for. So stop calling and texting him every time you feel lonely. Stop hunting the hunter. The last thing a man wants is to love, cherish, and respect a doormat that's grovelling at his feet. To get him to want you back, give him time to miss you, want you, and come for you.
      4. Establish boundaries. When your ex comes back to you, make sure it is for the right reasons. If he just wants to make sure you haven't found someone new, don't give him details about your life. End the conversation promptly. If he just wants a booty call, immediately turn him down. This is your way of letting him see that you value yourself. Do not give up your time, attention, or panties until he's desperate to get you back.
      5. Take care of yourself. It's normal to feel depressed after a break up, but you can't just lie around crying all day. Get going! Don't expect to get your ex boyfriend back without doing some work on yourself. Take small steps to improve-a new hairstyle, taking long walks, meditating, eating healthy, having a positive attitude. These changes make you feel better about yourself, which then makes you more attractive to everyone else. Of course, that includes your ex. When he comes running back, you won't have to start where the relationship ended. He'll see how you've grown, and he'll want to measure up. He'll want to work his way back into your arms.
      6. Know your worth. No matter what, remember that you are worth loving. Moreover, you CAN live without your ex. You're stronger than you think, and you never need to beg for a guy's love. The more you remind yourself of this, the more it will show in your behavior. And the more he'll find you irresistible.

