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We broke up. It's my fault and I still love him.



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  • We broke up. It's my fault and I still love him.

    My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. We were bestfriends and have been together for a year. I'm 19 and he's 26 and I recently graduated and wanted to find a career but without luck. We've always dreamed of getting married and spending our lives together but just last month he suddenly told me that I really need to come with him because he feels like he's getting tempted to cheat on me with some cashier and promodizer at the grocery store. Of course, my reaction was really bad, I got angry with him and we started arguing. But we agreed on telling my parents that we will get married and go to the country where he's working at. I asked my mom but she didn't want for me to get married so young and my boyfriend and I fought more because of that. (I also really thought that I wasn't going to be allowed) so, I think he feels like I'm uninterested with being with him or fighting for our love with my parents... Because he initially asked for us to just run away, to just elope but I didn't want to do that because I really wanted my parent's permission. Also, I think, one reason that was keeping me from being with him at the time was that, I was really ambitious and I wanted to be on the media industry so bad in my country and felt like I wouldn't be able to exercise my passion in his country where there is not much media industry. I also worked part time in an administrative office so prior to this argument, I failed to go at their house to have (cybersex) for three weeks (we have cybersex once a week) and I was really busy so I understand that he must have felt lonely. We have always been transparent with every aspect in our lives that I didn't expect for him to be using this other account he has on Facebook (I knew of this account but I was blocked on that account so I couldn't see it but (knowing his password on his main facebook account) I saw a group chat that had his other account and they were talking there (along with his friends and his lady friend which I was not fond of and was jealous of because they had history) that I shouldn't know about his other account. His profile pic there is even more updated than his main facebook which has lead me to presume that he must have been more active there and I just got even angrier with him then that I was the one to ask us to break up (because I really thought he was cheating on me) and I even told him I would give back all the things he had given me. And that really hurt him. So he blocked me on facebook, and all of my family members, and then I finally asked my father if I could just be with my boyfriend and get married and he said yes. (I couldn't ask my father at the time because he was out of town) and I told my boyfriend that I was allowed to be with him already but he didn't care anymore. I have told him a great many hurtful words like, he must have been fantasizing about the other girls and I also told them that he should fuck everyone he likes because I was really angry but I really regret it and I even sent him hundreds of apologies on other social media and it's like he's given up on me. At first, he said that if we really are for each other, fate will bring us back. And he told me that he has given me enough chances and that he's now too tired to give me another chance. And before he even said that maybe we should just try being away from each other or give each other space. But now, I just feel like he's quit on me. I do not want to lose him but we have broken up. He has broken up with me. I do not know what to do? Help me. I'm willing to give up everything I have just to be with him now, even my ambition, or my family's approval. What should I do for us to get back together?
    Last edited by JessicaRabbit; 01-28-2017, 05:22 PM.

  • #2
    I bet it seems impossible that you can ever get back together when you live far apart but I want you to know that it is possible to reconcile if you had a long distance relationship -- and that you can build a happier, stronger relationship than you had before.

    You're about to learn some simple techniques that you can get to work for you today to lure your ex back into your life.

    First off you have to choose what category you fit in -- has your relationship always been long distance, did your ex just recently move away, or did you drive your ex away from you?

    Once you've decided that you need to figure out what state your relationship is now in.

    What To Do If You're Not Speaking

    If you're not on speaking terms at the moment you may want to give your ex a bit of breathing space, especially if the break up is very fresh.

    If you're break up didn't end that badly then you can stay connected via the internet, facebook, text messages etc -- BUT you need to hold off on using any of those communications until the time is right.

    Definitely DON'T plan a trip to visit them or turn up unannounced at their doorstep.

    Basically you need to handle your long distance communication much as you would in person....being friendly and open is the key.

    The key is to trigger those old romantic, feel good feelings that they used to have about you in their subconscious mind.

    How can you do that?

    For instance, did your ex have a special pet name for you or was there some funny joke that you both kept referring to that made you both laugh?

    That's something you can use in written communication.

    But the best way to bring back a flood of memories for your ex is through the phone. But timing is everything. If you attempt to reconnect with your ex too soon you could ruin your chances of reconciliation.


    • #3
      o Contact Rules

      Okay, since you are far away from each other, it's easy enough not to be constantly there by his side. But No Contact Rules in this situation is really hard to do since if you do that, some guys would just forget that you exist.

      The right way to contact your ex would be to send out an email once in a while to ask how they are doing. Remember to be casual to them and don't make the impression that you are trying to get his attention.

      You can also ask about subjects that are common in both of you. Example if you are both gamers, you could ask about his character or if he have heard this latest game. Just say something that he'd be interested in but won't make him feel your pushing yourself to him.

      o Social Networking Rules

      Don't ever post in your social sites that you are miserable. Not only will that be annoying to people who are in your friend's list but your ex might see it. He would think that you are pathetic for saying to the world how the two of you have broken up.

      If you need to express sadness over your break up, go and talk to your friends in real life. You should be casual in your social pages and let him get the impression that you are okay and you are happy with your life.

      These two are important tips you must take to heart because they are sure ways how to make your ex boyfriend back despite the distance. You can even apply then even if you are not in a long distance relationship.


      • #4
        Women find alpha males very attractive and the strength and leadership they exude appealing, but if you're the type of guy that usually shies away from taking control then you may have been struggling to make an impression on her. Many guys lack confidence in leadership which women often see as a weakness in their character and this in itself is usually the reason they are unhappy in a relationship and move on to continue their search for their romantic hero. Women see this alpha male as a rugged dashing person who can simply sweep them off their feet and resulting in a enhanced awareness of their own femininity.

        Alpha males are masculine guys, they characteristically are confident and self assured and these guys have back-bones. Their decision making is done with confidence and alpha males know exactly how to use this to get what they want and what their woman need. They also know to which direction they are going, what they want from life and how to use this to their advantage.

        The alpha male takes pride in how he looks and expects to turn heads wherever he goes. He exudes so much confidence that he can wear jeans and still look good at an official function. He takes great pride in how he excites his woman and is not shy of showing his caring and loving attitude and is sensitive to the needs of the woman in his life. He is man enough to acknowledge her opinions and independence and wants the very best for her. His woman knows that he will protect her and be by her side no matter what happens!

        Your ex wants a man just like this too. It's time to take a good look at yourself; there is of course no reason why you cannot be the alpha male in her life. First of all take control and make your statement to the world that you are not someone to trifled with and concentrate on building up your new found confidence that she will find irresistible. So bare your teeth, thump your chest, howl to the moon and assume the role and status of the leader. Project the alpha male attraction principle you will soon have your ex falling back into your arms.

