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Was I at fault?? Need some fee backs



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  • Was I at fault?? Need some fee backs

    Recently I had this weird experience with this 2 month long distance relationship. I already moved on but I was much upsets about the entire situation. I probably should go on some few fact and would like some feedback

    . She is currently going through a divorce and I live in Michigan while she lives in California. We accidentally meet online (Dating App) and I was in the process of moving to Cali, everything started great, she was very attracted to me and had a lot of similar interest. Up to the point I was supposed to move with her. and she made several promise, that I was going to move with her

    . The first month was great but we meet only on a few occasion during some trip, our last trip she got very upset that I wasn't in the mood for sex, and she started criticized some minor flaw that I have. Also she indicated I didn't listen to her on two occasions on our last trip we meet. She also was very much aggressive during sex,

    She indicated I had some red flag. I treated this women very well, was very nice, got introduced to her parents. At the end of my trip when I last saw her she gained a lot of weight but something was off. We did cuddle and kiss, meet her mom and her kids. Everything seemed great for myself but I was wrong I guess

    The bad part was when I got back in Michigan she told me she need to go slower and she is giving me another chance, then told me we should be friends and then indicated I should date someone else online. I was heart broken, since I really liked this person. During the time she went to Vegas and kept texting me some pictures of herself. She was there with two of her gay friend.

    Anyway I'm a good guy, in good shape and I got hurt by someone I dated online. Is it possible she meet someone else? We still talk but I feel breaking up the tie since I felt I was treated not really good. She did buy me some gifts and other stuff so it's not like she was in for the money, but to go from being loving to cold? I don't get that.....

    My only assumption she is looking to play the field or meet someone. I felt that I was dating a female version of a man. Anyway sorry of the bad spelling....
    Last edited by yguyon; 08-28-2017, 06:35 PM.

  • #2
    Don't feel bad about what happened, we have all experience similar issue in our lives. I don't think she met someone else, she just feel you both aren't compatible. So, don't try to force yourself into her, instead find another woman that will love you for who you are.


    • #3
      It's true that you were nice to her and showed her so much care. However, the fact is that being nice and caring isn't enough to win a woman's love. Most times, being too nice and caring kills attraction.

      She just feels you aren't her kind of MAN. So, I will advice you move and date other women.


      • #4
        Thank you David and Nora for the kind comments...


        • #5
          Most women who are gay always act this way. They just easily lost attraction for a man. It will be best if you stop being friends with her. If you end the friendship with her, it will help you to stop thinking about her and move on.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jerome View Post
            Most women who are gay always act this way. They just easily lost attraction for a man. It will be best if you stop being friends with her. If you end the friendship with her, it will help you to stop thinking about her and move on.
            This is a good advice

