Ok so I (M17) met this girl (F17) at a robotics competition last year. Weve been talking for over a year and we finally admitted out feelings in may. We finally started dating in June. This relationship was truly amazing, we both skyped everyday and just talked. Eventually after a month, we both admitted we loved each other, talked about having a family in the future, buying a house etc. I always made her blusher and treated her as a queen and she loved it. I visited her 4 times this summer, 1 times she came to me, but it was a friends grad party I was attending as well. 3 times in june, 1 time August) During the middle of July she started to get a little busy, but during August, she was extremely busy! I know she was in fact busy and she wasn't lying. I visited her and her family in August, and 4 days after I left she texted me shes sorry about her being busy. (She was so busy, my anxiety would take off like crazy thinking she didnt love me or was ignoring me) I said it was fine and I'm always here and then she said she was too busy for a relationship at the moment with too much on her plate, and that she hasn't been giving herself a lot of attention. She had work everyday and has done nothing for college. She said we both are going to miss opportunities this senior year and we arent focusing on the big picture, I told her I would be waiting for her. She said "We shouldnt be together, for now at least." Key words for now at least. I was heart broken and devastated, I didnt eat for a week and a half. I was just shocked at how could this amazing relationship just ended at 2 months. I started no contact 3 days ago. Anyways from my story and based on what she said, does it sound like when she is ready, she will come back? We had amazing times together and I bought her a lot of gifts ($200+) for her birthday (in August) and she loved them. I could be over thinking with my anxiety. If anyone could help me, that would mean so much to me. Thank you...
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First LDR, dont know what to do. Please help me
First LDR, dont know what to do. Please help me
Last edited by xNUCLEARxBACONx; 09-09-2018, 08:59 PM. -
I know exactly how you feel at the moment. It can be very painful to hear such words from the one you love. However, I think she's trying to protect you, so you don't get hurt after investing too much into the relationship. Hence she decided to tell you to move and don't waste you time and resources.
The best thing to do now is to accept the breakup and move on. You will eventually get someone better soon.