Hey guys thank you for takin time out to respond to my post so when I was 15 years old and meet my first love and we had a relationship for 2 1/2 years before I left the country i migrated to America and before I left we both promised each other that we would be back together. I broke that promise and got pregnant and he end up in a relationship with someone else but prior to this for the past 10 years he has been trying Been trying and trying to get back with me he always text me and tell me that he love to me he never asked me. I had told him that he should move on with his life because I felt guilty for getting pregnant but he still call my son his son and he always remember his birthday and always call me and I have a picture and a card for every year I’ve been away from him for my birthday. I recently I’ve got a chance to go back to Guyana and I saw him and it was like I never left we were in love again and happy but he has a girlfriend he’s telling me that I’m person that he always wanted. well he’s telling me give him six months so I guess break it off but I want to know if this is just bullshit or he’s for real i’m not sure what’s going to happen but I just want some advice if anybody have been through anything like this ? I’m in America and he’s in Guyana .. no matter what I do I couldn’t get rid of him I black him delete him but for some reason we end up taking again .. he’s my first and only love I kno him for 13 years now .... can any one giv me advice I appreciate it
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Can it work out ? Help
No doubt, he loves you but you shouldn't allow him to break up with his present girlfriend just to be with you. If he does this and you both eventually end up together, he's always going to bring up the issue whenever you two have an argument. He'll always continue telling you of how he has to break up with his girlfriend to be with you.