(TL;DR, My new partner has been keeping a 5 year old affair with a married woman a secret from me during our friendship and our relationship.)
Hi forum. This is more of a vent post than a seeking advice post. I recently started a new long distance relationship with a man I met online. We had an on-and-off situationship before we made our relationship official. I met and had sex with him multiple times before this, we bonded and connected on a deep level, and ended up developing feelings for each other. Though I'd always been aware of coffee meets he would have with a woman every Saturday morning. He told me it was an old co-worker that he was "just friends" with and they meet up in Starbucks for coffee. The woman is married with a child. Though shortly after we made our reltionship official, I guess the guilt of his affair ate him up, because after I kept trying to get him to tell me the truth about it, he finally did... which led to a massive fight that lasted all day. Turns out she was a work colleague he met in 2019 and they began a secret affair which he claims lasted until 2020. They had sex during the time, god knows how many times and where. He also knocked her up which led to a miscarriage and she kept it a secret from him for an entire year. He also bought her gifts, sometimes expensive ones (including a £300+ drawing tablet). He's still been continuing to see this woman every Saturday morning in secret in coffee shops and the supermarket, but claims they're "just friends now". He's lied to me out of his ass about it, during both our friendship and relationship. I asked him who knew of his affair, he said "only me, you and her". I then threatened to inform her husband, and he immediately changed his claim by stating that her husband had actually caught them in bed together in 2020. This was obviously a lie to persuade me not to contact him. After I made the threat, he then said to me "if you do that, she will lose everything" (he obviously still cares about her) and that "I'll be responsible for breaking up their family". Yeah, I know, the sheer audacity right? Pins the blame on me, but doesn't place any blame on himself or her whatsoever for breaking up their family.
He says I'm wrong for wanting to contact the husband. Am I wrong or right for wanting to inform the husband of what they've done? I don't think I am wrong. He said I shouldn't be "meddling in their marriage". Well, he meddled in their marriage by sleeping with her, thus he and her should finally experience the consequences of their actions and be exposed, so why shouldnt I? And I'm the only person who can do it. Why am I wrong for thinking like this?
Oh, and just to add, he's also of the opinion this his affair with her "should not have affected our relationship" and that I "should have never been digging into it". He also believes that continuing to meet her for coffee in secret on a Saturday morning "as friends" (he claims) is innocent and fine to do, even whilst being in a relationship with me. I'm beyond disgusted with the sheer arrogance and disrespect this man has. I don't see any reason whatsoever why it would be ok for him to continue meeting this woman in secret, no fucking reason at all. Oh, and he's been keeping a diary about her for the last 5 years. Writing down all of her "red flags", stating in it that she's mentally and physically abusive towards him, she lies constantly, she kept her pregnancy a secret and told him to "sweep it under the rug". She punched, kicked and slapped him in public, and yet... he still wants to continue talking to and seeing this piece of shit woman, a selfish woman who clearly has zero sense of morality and has no respect whatsoever for her husband or her child. I just don't know what is wrong with him. Or her. Maybe they just belong together.
This is just a vent post but feel free to share your opinions and thoughts on this, and feel free to ask me any questions. No insults or berating any one in this story, please.
Hi forum. This is more of a vent post than a seeking advice post. I recently started a new long distance relationship with a man I met online. We had an on-and-off situationship before we made our relationship official. I met and had sex with him multiple times before this, we bonded and connected on a deep level, and ended up developing feelings for each other. Though I'd always been aware of coffee meets he would have with a woman every Saturday morning. He told me it was an old co-worker that he was "just friends" with and they meet up in Starbucks for coffee. The woman is married with a child. Though shortly after we made our reltionship official, I guess the guilt of his affair ate him up, because after I kept trying to get him to tell me the truth about it, he finally did... which led to a massive fight that lasted all day. Turns out she was a work colleague he met in 2019 and they began a secret affair which he claims lasted until 2020. They had sex during the time, god knows how many times and where. He also knocked her up which led to a miscarriage and she kept it a secret from him for an entire year. He also bought her gifts, sometimes expensive ones (including a £300+ drawing tablet). He's still been continuing to see this woman every Saturday morning in secret in coffee shops and the supermarket, but claims they're "just friends now". He's lied to me out of his ass about it, during both our friendship and relationship. I asked him who knew of his affair, he said "only me, you and her". I then threatened to inform her husband, and he immediately changed his claim by stating that her husband had actually caught them in bed together in 2020. This was obviously a lie to persuade me not to contact him. After I made the threat, he then said to me "if you do that, she will lose everything" (he obviously still cares about her) and that "I'll be responsible for breaking up their family". Yeah, I know, the sheer audacity right? Pins the blame on me, but doesn't place any blame on himself or her whatsoever for breaking up their family.
He says I'm wrong for wanting to contact the husband. Am I wrong or right for wanting to inform the husband of what they've done? I don't think I am wrong. He said I shouldn't be "meddling in their marriage". Well, he meddled in their marriage by sleeping with her, thus he and her should finally experience the consequences of their actions and be exposed, so why shouldnt I? And I'm the only person who can do it. Why am I wrong for thinking like this?
Oh, and just to add, he's also of the opinion this his affair with her "should not have affected our relationship" and that I "should have never been digging into it". He also believes that continuing to meet her for coffee in secret on a Saturday morning "as friends" (he claims) is innocent and fine to do, even whilst being in a relationship with me. I'm beyond disgusted with the sheer arrogance and disrespect this man has. I don't see any reason whatsoever why it would be ok for him to continue meeting this woman in secret, no fucking reason at all. Oh, and he's been keeping a diary about her for the last 5 years. Writing down all of her "red flags", stating in it that she's mentally and physically abusive towards him, she lies constantly, she kept her pregnancy a secret and told him to "sweep it under the rug". She punched, kicked and slapped him in public, and yet... he still wants to continue talking to and seeing this piece of shit woman, a selfish woman who clearly has zero sense of morality and has no respect whatsoever for her husband or her child. I just don't know what is wrong with him. Or her. Maybe they just belong together.
This is just a vent post but feel free to share your opinions and thoughts on this, and feel free to ask me any questions. No insults or berating any one in this story, please.