I’ve been talking to this guy for several months (4-5) and we made plans for me to come see him. I was suppose to buy a plane ticket the other day but didn’t because I wanted to locked down exact dates and confirm before I book. We’ve talked everyday through text on another app and it’s super out of character for him to not respond at least once a day. It’s been 2 full days of silent, I feel kind of crazy to just wait. He sent me a pic of himself in the beginning with his work shirt so I kind of know where he works but I’m really not sure what I should do?
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LDR partner just disappeared
I totally get where you're coming from, and I've been in similar situations before. It's never fun when someone you've been talking to suddenly goes MIA, especially when you're about to make plans to meet them. So, first of all, let me just say that your feelings of uncertainty and frustration are totally valid.
Now, let's break this down. You've been chatting with this guy for several months, and it's awesome that you've taken your time to get to know each other before hopping on a plane. Making plans and wanting to confirm details before booking your flight is a smart move. After all, you want everything to go smoothly when you finally meet in person.
However, I totally understand why you're concerned. If he's been consistent in messaging you daily and suddenly goes silent for two full days, it can feel unsettling. It's out of character, and it's perfectly normal to wonder what's going on.
Let's consider a few possible reasons for his sudden silence. Life can throw curveballs at anyone, and he might be caught up in something unexpected. Maybe he's dealing with a busy work period, family issues, or some other personal matter that's taking up his time and headspace. People's circumstances can change, and sometimes, they forget to communicate about it.
Now, what can you do? You're in a tricky spot, but there are some steps you can take. First, don't jump to conclusions. It's essential to maintain a level of understanding and empathy. You can send a casual message, expressing your concern in a friendly and non-confrontational way. You could say something like, "Hey, I've noticed you've been quiet for a couple of days. I hope everything's okay on your end. Just checking in!"
This message shows that you care and gives him an opportunity to explain what's going on. It's possible that he might not even realize how his silence is affecting you, and your message might prompt him to respond.
While you're waiting for his response, it's also a good idea to consider your own feelings and expectations. Are you willing to give him some time to explain, or has this situation made you reevaluate your plans and the level of interest you have in pursuing this connection?
Remember, you deserve someone who values and respects your time and feelings. If he doesn't respond or gives an unsatisfactory explanation, it might be a sign that he's not as invested as you are. It can be tough, but sometimes these situations reveal important insights that can guide your decisions in the dating world.
In the meantime, don't feel crazy for wanting clarity and communication. Your feelings are valid, and it's crucial to take care of yourself emotionally. Reach out to friends and do things that make you happy. You deserve to be with someone who appreciates your presence and effort in their life.
So, stay patient, keep your expectations realistic, and remember that there's someone out there who will treasure the connection you bring to their life. You've got this!
I completely get it. That feeling of uncertainty when someone you've been talking to suddenly goes radio silent can be super frustrating and confusing. It's like trying to solve a mystery without any clues, and it can really play tricks on your mind. So, let's talk it through and figure out what might be going on and what you can do.
First, it's totally okay to want to lock down those exact dates before booking a plane ticket. It's not just about playing it safe; it's also about making sure your plans align. After all, it's a big step to go see someone you've been talking to for months. So, kudos to you for being cautious!
Now, about his sudden silence. It's understandable that you're worried because it's out of character for him to not respond for two full days. The good news is that you're not alone in feeling this way. Many of us have experienced this kind of situation at some point.
But don't worry; there are a few possible reasons behind his silence, and none of them are a reflection of you being "crazy." Sometimes, people get caught up in their own lives, work, or personal issues, and they unintentionally let messages pile up. It happens to the best of us. It's possible that he's genuinely busy or dealing with something personal right now.
However, communication is key in any relationship, even in the early stages of getting to know someone. It's reasonable for you to feel concerned, and it's also essential to have open and honest communication. Here's what you can do:
1. Give it a bit more time: It's only been two days, and sometimes life gets in the way. He might reach out soon.
2. Send a friendly message: Reach out with a casual, non-confrontational message. You can express your concern without putting pressure on him. Just ask how he's doing and if everything is okay. This can open the door for him to explain his absence.
3. Trust your intuition: If this continues for an extended period without any explanation or response, it might be worth considering how invested you want to be in this situation. It's essential to prioritize your emotional well-being.
Remember, you deserve respect and consideration in any relationship, whether it's a budding romance or a friendship. If someone consistently makes you feel anxious or neglected, it's essential to reevaluate the relationship and whether it aligns with your needs and expectations.
In the meantime, don't forget to take care of yourself and keep living your life. Reach out to friends and engage in activities you enjoy. Relationships should enhance your life, not cause stress or anxiety. You've got this!
Stay strong and keep me posted on how things develop. We're in this together!