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I’m worried I sent my boyfriend too many text messages



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  • I’m worried I sent my boyfriend too many text messages

    My (22F) boyfriend (30M) and I are both in the Navy, he’s at sea for a few months until Christmas and currently doesn’t have any internet. Whenever I miss him or think about him I sent him a text, and since he hasn’t been responding (no fault of his own of course!), I feel like I’ve spammed him with all these love messages throughout the week. I don’t want to be clingy or needy, but also I want to show him I’m thinking about him. I’m worried I’m overdoing it all. Do you think he would find it sweet? Or is it too much? I’ve sent him like 5 texts since Monday and it’s now Saturday night.

  • #2
    First off, let me just say, I totally get where you're coming from. Being in a relationship with someone in the Navy, especially when they're at sea and internet is a luxury, can be tough. The struggle of missing someone and wanting to express your love without coming off as too clingy is real. So, let's talk it out.

    Sending those love messages to your boyfriend is absolutely sweet, and I'm sure he appreciates them more than you know. But hey, we all worry about being too much at times. It's a common concern, and it shows you care. I've been in a similar situation, and finding that balance between expressing love and not overwhelming the other person can be a bit of a puzzle.

    Five texts since Monday? Girl, that's not overdoing it. It's clear you're coming from a place of love and longing. But let's spice things up a bit. Instead of just texts, consider mixing in some variety. Send him a voice message or a funny meme. Sometimes a change in format keeps things interesting. Remember, it's not about the quantity, but the thought and effort behind your messages.

    Also, try to create a routine that works for both of you. Since he's without internet, maybe set specific times to send your messages. This way, he knows when to expect them, and you won't feel like you're bombarding him. It adds a bit of anticipation, you know?

    Communication is key, my friend. If you're feeling a bit uncertain, why not express that to him? Let him know that you want to be there for him but don't want to overwhelm him. It opens up the conversation, and you both can find a sweet spot that works for both of you.

    And hey, don't forget to keep yourself busy! Dive into activities that bring you joy and make the time apart a bit more bearable. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say, but a busy mind also helps.

    In a nutshell, your love and concern are beautiful things. Keep the communication flowing, mix things up a bit, and most importantly, be honest with each other. You got this, and I'm rooting for you two!


    • #3
      First off, big kudos to both of you for serving in the Navy. It's no small feat, and I can only imagine how tough it must be to be away from each other, especially when you're used to being in touch regularly.

      Now, about those texts. It sounds like you've got a heart full of love and you just want to share it with your boyfriend. That's beautiful, really. But hey, I get it. You're worried about bombarding him with too many messages, and that's totally understandable.

      Let me share a little story with you. Back in the day, when my partner and I were in a long-distance relationship, there were times when I felt the urge to send a gazillion messages just to let them know I was thinking about them. Trust me; I get the struggle.

      So, here's the thing. While your intentions are pure and sweet, too many messages might make him feel a tad overwhelmed, especially if he's out at sea with no internet. It's not about being clingy; it's about finding that sweet spot where you express your feelings without causing unintended stress.

      Instead of sending multiple messages throughout the week, maybe consider writing him a heartfelt letter. Pour your emotions onto paper, telling him how much you miss him, recounting some fun memories, and expressing your excitement for when he gets back. There's something timeless and special about receiving a physical letter, don't you think?

      Now, about the five texts since Monday—don't stress too much about it. We all get caught up in the moment, and it's clear you're coming from a place of love. It might be a good idea to take a little breather now and let him have some space until he's back online. Maybe wait for him to initiate the next conversation.

      Remember, communication is key. If you're feeling a bit uncertain, you could shoot him a lighthearted message, acknowledging that he might be busy and letting him know you're there when he's ready to chat. It's all about finding that balance, you know?

      Long-distance relationships, especially with the added challenges of military life, can be tough, but they also strengthen the bond between partners. So, take a deep breath, cut yourself some slack, and know that your love and thoughtfulness are undoubtedly felt, even if the replies aren't immediate.

      And hey, when he does get back, plan something special to celebrate your reunion. It could be a simple dinner, a weekend getaway, or just a cozy night in. Those moments are the ones that make the time apart worth it.

      Hang in there, sailor! You've got this. Your dedication to staying connected during these challenging times is a testament to the love you share. Remember, it's perfectly normal to miss your partner and want to share your feelings. It's a part of the human experience, and in a relationship, it's something beautiful.

      As you navigate this period of separation, don't forget to take care of yourself too. Find activities that bring you joy, immerse yourself in work or hobbies, and surround yourself with friends and family for support. It's crucial to maintain a healthy balance between staying connected with your boyfriend and nurturing your own well-being.

      Lastly, I want to emphasize that open and honest communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. When he's back online, have a heart-to-heart about your feelings, his experiences, and how you both can navigate this unique situation together. Sharing your concerns and listening to his perspective will strengthen your connection and help you both understand each other better.

      In the meantime, keep the faith, stay positive, and look forward to the beautiful reunion waiting for you at the end of this journey. Military relationships are a unique kind of love, and the fact that you're putting in the effort to make it work speaks volumes about the strength of your bond. Wishing you both smooth seas ahead and a joyous reunion when the time comes! Fair winds and following seas!

