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How Can I tell if he is the one?



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  • How Can I tell if he is the one?

    I met a man who I really like. I love spending time with him. I think I might love him. But I'm not sure if he's THE ONE.

    What do I do?

  • #2
    Before I answer your question let me share with you a little story...

    I not to long ago spent the weekend out in the woods at a wedding of two good friends of mine... actually I have known the woman longer and let me call her Ellen and when the man let me call him Jim first showed up I was kind of distant and cold to him.

    See I had seen Ellen go through man after man like they were going out of fashion as Ellen is head strong... organized... loves to travel and takes no crap from anyone and I have seen her chew through men like a tiger through steak for years as man after man would show up and they would meet up and court for a week or a month and then she would toss him aside saying...

    "Nope not quite right."

    While picking the bits of freshy chewed up man from her teeth and I was not sure Ellen would ever find what she was looking for.

    And then she met Jim.

    When I first met Jim I was kind of hard on him... I joked about not wanting to learn his name until he had been around for at least a couple of months yet Jim and Ellen just molded together like clay.

    They loved hanging out together.

    They liked doing the same things.

    He had no trouble putting up with her crazy manic drive and need to organize everything.

    And they both wanted the same things.

    Note this is one of the things I often write about that is crucual for building a great relationship...

    Shared values.

    Shared interests.

    Shared goals in life.

    And they ended up getting married and been together ever since and to be honest... they compliment each other even though from the outside they appear total opposites!

    Now back to your question.

    Two things...

    1... There is no the one and personally I find the whole concept of the one... soul mates and twin flames as a stupid and kind of noxious and ridiculous and dangerous.

    There are over 3 Billion men on this planet and the idea that there is only ONE person on this whole planet who you could be happy with is CRAZY and incredibly depressing... because there is many THOUSANDS of men out there who if you met in the right situation you could be REALLY happy with and there is thousands of others who would grate on you like fingernails on a chalk board.

    2... Spending all your time worrying about whether a man is the one is a great way to let life pass you by and to push good men away and give bad men a chance to use you and abuse you to end up old and bitter and alone.

    So let us get to the REAL question you are asking me...

    Is this a man I should invest in?

    Is this a man I should commit to?

    Is this a man I should think of as a long term partner who I will love and adore and fight with and go crazy with and grow old with?

    And of course I do not know because I do not know you and I do not know the man.

    Yet here is a couple quick guidelines...

    1... Do you LIKE the man.

    Yes I know there is the chemistry... your heart bursts like a watermelon when you are near him yet do you actually LIKE him?

    When it comes to a long term relationship love is not enough... you need to actually LIKE him too and is he your BEST FRIEND?

    2... Do you RESPECT the man?

    Do you respect who he is as a person?

    Are you proud of what he has accomplished and is accomplishing in his life?

    Does he have integrity?

    3... Do you have FUN together?

    If you are fighting all the time now... you are going to be fighting all the time later too.

    My parents fell into this trap.

    4... Do you want the same things in your life?

    What makes Jim and Ellen work so well together is they want EXACTLY the same things.

    Travel... Photography... Kids.

    Do they agree 100% on the BIG stuff.

    Now this is a WAY bigger topic than I can really cover here yet it is a place to start.

    Let go of the one and find someone who loves you for you... who smiles when they see you walk into a room... who makes you feel wonderful when he has you in his arms... who pushes you to be the best you can be... who laughs at your flaws and celebrates your strengths and who wants the same future you do.


    • #3
      Does he really love me? What are the signs? Will he tell me if I ask... or do I literally need to read his mind to find out what he REALLY thinks about me, the relationship and our future together? And why do some women seem SO happy in love... while the rest of us struggle, settle and accept LESS than we deserve in live, and in love?

      Any of these questions sound familiar? If you are anything like the vast majority of women in relationships that FEEL good, but don't quite feel 100% "certain", you know how draining and emotionally exhausting it can be to simply NOT know for sure.

      The good news? There are are lots of unconventional signs that a man loves you, is committed and WILL be there for the long haul, even if he's NOT the type to open up and admit it out loud.

      With that in mind, and as someone who has personally experienced the highs and lows of being a relationship where I simply had NO confidence it was going to last... I'm going to share with you the one VERY unorthodox technique that changed my perspective on PASSION (and purpose) in MY relationships... forever!

      Filed Under: Karmic Connections (And the EASIEST Way to Tell if You've Got One)

      I believe that everyone reading this right now has a unique, special, and "cosmic" karmic connection with ONE specific soul. There is ONE person who is destined to be part of the fabric of your future... and whose life and purpose and reason for being is deeply interwoven with your own. YOU have a spiritual soulmate... and your destiny is to find that one person and live in a state of unconditional love, bliss and happiness.

      Will that person MAGICALLY appear in my life?

      Great question. And absolutely not..:-) The truth is, one of the biggest misconceptions about finding our spiritual partner or "other half" is the idea that just because we have a destiny, or a certain amount of "love karma" that the UNIVERSE is going to make all of this happen for us, "auto-magically". Real life, instead... is full of bumps in the road, lessons learned the hard way and the harsh fact that MOST of us will not recognize the gifts that are given, simply because we're too busy focusing on the things that are unimportant, meaningless and ultimately, disappointing.

      And there is NO area that this is more obvious than finding true love.

      The 1 sure fire sign that he is your KARMIC connection and spiritual soulmate?

      You'll have a energetic connection that transcends the physical. An inexplicable emotional "rapport" that is hard to describe, feels psychic and deeply intuitive, and yet you both feel to your very core. In short - Your aura's will "align". Even if it's just a friendship right now... you will feel a deep bond of "knowing" that just is!

      Unfortunately, most women will laugh this off... pretend it's just a fairy tale or even ignore it altogether, simply because they are in a relationship with someone else. (usually a BAD one, too) Many people are skeptical about aura's, soul-mates and karma, too! I'm here to tell you that the HAPPIEST relationships that I know are with 2 people who truly recognize that they are spiritual partners in the purest sense of the word... and share a bond that no scientist or skeptic can explain!

      One last thing...

      Always go with your gut. Your own instincts... and intuition hold MORE keys to your karma than any article like this one you'll ever read. These are just the sign posts in the road... the POINTERS to help you find your own truth, your own passion, and hopefully... if I've even touched a tiny truth you know to be true, a gentle nudge to help YOU find what you're looking for, in life and in LOVE alike!


      • #4

        Thank you all for your answer, it was very helpful.

