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My Boyfriend Still Talks To His Ex Should I Be Worried



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  • My Boyfriend Still Talks To His Ex Should I Be Worried

    I have been dating this guy for a while and we started with a phone relationship we live in two different states. He always talks about ex girlfriends but one more than the others.

    I found out he sends cards to this one ex for all occasions even their old anniversary.

    He gives her money for her son for school clothes and his b-day about $250 dollars every Sept. And still takes this ex (his first love) on vacations.

    While I was dating him on the phone long distance red flags were always going up but of course I started falling in love with this guy.

    So I went to finally meet up with him to come stay with him for a few weeks and when I got there as soon as I walked in the door there was a shrine of pics all over his wall unit of his ex and pics of them together through the years and photo albums of her & his trips that he has taken her on even after they even broke up.

    I was outraged cuz I thought how disrespectful of him to do that to me as he knew I was coming. He tried to explain that they're JUST FRIENDS and I've got nothing to worry about. When I went into his house he even had a box with her name on it with all the stuff she has given him over the years it was right out where I could see it.

    I put it in the back of my mind and spent the rest of the two weeks with him and everything was good and that we wanted to move into together.

    So I pack up and moved in with him.

    In the mean time I found out that he has saved every email she has wrote him in a personal file with her name on it on his computer. Also found out he left his house to her also and not his family.

    BTW is now the house I live in with him.

    He continued to text and write her while we were together saying you'll see she's JUST a FRIEND.

    It made me real unsure about us. And I didn't understand how he could do that to me?

    So I left him for a couple of months but he made me all kinds of promises that he would wipe this person away from our lives. So I went back to him and I still didn't feel safe with him holding my heart.

    So much resentment built up with me and how he could be so careless I thought with my heart. So we fought a lot about those issues other wise the rest of our life was great!

    But I still didn't feel he was my soft place to fall. A lot of Jealousy I have now...because of him.

    Which I have never been a jealous person really before him.

    Ok here is my question I have left him again and he is making promise to me that it will be different. I love him so much and only think of just him but I don't know if I should go back to him?

    My heart telling me yes, jump! and my head is telling me I don't know if that will be a good thing to do for myself...cuz he's got me so emotional messed up?

    And can I trust him with my heart when he has been so careless with it.

    What do you think I should do?

  • #2
    The moment you walk into the house and see the SHRINE to his exgirlfriend... lots of shrieking violins and him standing there blubbering excited to show you his home and mumbling...

    "Oh she is just a friend."

    Okay joking aside the message is simple...

    1... Get the hell out.

    2... Get the hell out.

    3... Get the hell out.

    Listen to your head here as the emotions of your heart is not always your best guide.

    Sometimes we let ourselves be victims of love and the fantasy of romance when we should be focusing on the evidence what is right in front of your face.

    I spend a lot of time telling women to chill out because they are making mountains out of mole hills.


    Yet in this case you are making a mole hill out of the freaking Death Star... the film PSYCHO just happens to spring into my mind at this moment.

    You do not need to be shown red flags he is THE RED FLAG!

    Of COURSE you do not trust him.

    Of COURSE you feel jealous.

    Of COURSE you feel disrespected.

    Because he is in love with his ex and may have some emotional problems beyond that and you are always going to come after her in his mind and his heart.

    Love can make you blind very BLIND... so open your eyes to the evidence staring you right in the face.

    One thing I do want to point out is the victim language in your email...

    "He is making me this."

    Nobody can make you do anything... even if they are pointing a gun at your head you still have a choice!

    They do what they do and you react how you react and this is what you are doing... reacting instead of making a choice and responding.

    Yes this guy is acting badly no doubt yet you can choose how you respond to it.

    Keep your self respect and do not give him the power to make you miserable... even have empathy for him as he is obviously messed up over this woman and you are not there to pick up the pieces of his heart.

    I am going to say this loud and clear Jennifer... DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM!

    You go back to him you are going to end up in a very messed up place as this man needs some serious Therapy.

    You have my answer Nora... DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM!


    • #3
      Victoria, thank you for your advice.


      • #4
        Hi,everyone. I am a new visitor for this blog post.I am an astrologer by profession.


        • #5

          Originally posted by jorje123456 View Post
          Hi,everyone. I am a new visitor for this blog post.I am an astrologer by profession.
          Welcome to Relationship Talk Forum, so how can we be of help to you?

