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How to Make a Man Feel Loved

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  • How to Make a Man Feel Loved

    I've been dating the same guy for 3 1/2 years he complains all his friends get treated better than he does...

    I'm not talking sexually because we have a awesome sexual relationship!

    I'm talking the other things a man likes or makes him feel loved. Could you PLEEEASE elaborate on what these things are? I'm swear I'm completely lost on what he's wanting from me and he won't tell me I'm supposed to "know"

  • #2
    Different people like to receive love differently.

    You might think you are giving him all the love in the world by touching him, giving him gifts, spending time with him...

    And what he really needs is to hear the words...

    "I love you, you're special to me, I love spending time with you, I think you're great."

    Or, you maybe you already tell him how much you love him all the time... and what he really needs to feel loved is more touching, or quality time, etc.

    Once you determine his love language (hint: it is probably the way he tries to give love to you), it is easy to make him feel like he's got the best girlfriend in the world.


    • #3
      Some guys have a very low self-esteem and that is why they need their girlfriends to help them feel loved and important. If your guy is the type who needs to be treated in a special kind of way, here are some tips that have are proven to work. Do these and you'll garner your man's devotion.

      Verbally confirm how wonderful he is.
      It is possible that even his own parents have never told him how wonderful he is so make sure you tell him as often as you can. Whenever you tell him he is wonderful, make sure you back up your words with things that he does that make him fantastic. He would realize that he is doing something right after all.

      Show him that you want him and none else.
      It is not enough for you to tell him that he is the only man in your life, it is also crucial for you to show that him. Make sure to let him feel that you are not interested in any other guys and that your eyes are solely focused on him.

      Always treat him with utmost respect.
      The best way to make someone feel special is by treating him right. Respect encompasses a lot of things, like making sure you do not do anything that would hurt his feelings, listening when he has something really important to say, and being quiet instead of nagging him.

      Make him feel happy - always.
      Any guy would always feel special when someone is striving to do things in order to make him happy. Shower your man with happiness and positivity all the time. Be the ray of sunshine amidst the dark clouds in his life.

      Shower him with gifts, too.
      Who says only men are supposed to give gifts to their partners? There are a lot of ways to shower him with gifts, without having to spend a lot of money. For instance, you can bake some cookies for him.

      Make him your number one priority.
      Number 1 is the only acceptable number that your man must be in. Whenever you have work to do but he also needs some company, then you have to make the right choice. To postpone washing the dishes for now and listen to him, or risk losing his interest in you all because you can't even have a few minutes to spare for him.

      Never fail to give compliments.
      You would definitely feel special when someone appreciates your talents or skills. Do not hesitate to give your man compliments that are due him. Compliments are ego boosters so make sure you give him an ample amount of these.


      • #4
        Like you would want your man to show you that he loves you a lot, your man too would like you to make him feel loved. Here is what you need to do when you want to shower your man with love and make him see how much you love him.

        Show him how much you appreciate him

        When you want to shower your man with love you will have to show him your appreciation of him. Show him that you value the things that he does for you and how much his contribution in your life matters to you. Your appreciation will make him see your love for him.

        Show him that you are physically attracted to him

        To shower a man with love you need to show him that you are physically attracted to him. Never hesitate to flirt with him, give him sexy compliments and don't hesitate to give him sexy treats. This will make him very happy and will show him that you love him a lot.

        Make him feel on top of your priority list

        To shower your man with love you need to make him feel like he is on top of your priority list. You don't have to leave everything that you are doing for him at all times but make sure that you are always there by your man's side when he needs your help and support.

        Pamper him but don't make him feel suffocated

        To shower your man with love you need to pamper him silly. But always make sure that you remain his partner and don't get into the mother mode as that might make him feel suffocated with you. Spoil him- just don't smother him.

        Care for him and his needs

        To shower a man with love you need to make him see that you genuinely care for him. When you show him that things and people who matter to him, matter to you and you try to keep them happy, your man feel truly loved.

        Be understanding and compassionate

        You need to be an understanding and compassionate women who is not clingy and in desperate need of attention at all times when you want to shower your man with love. Your compassion and understanding is going to make him feel warm and fuzzy with love.

        Never be dismissive of him

        Finally there might be times when you would want to write off your man. But never be dismissive of him especially if you want to shower him with love. Show him your respect and he will know that you love him.


        • #5

          I sincerely appreciate the advice I got from all of you.

