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Think my best friend wants me..



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  • Think my best friend wants me..

    I dont know how to go about it though..i dont wanna ruin the friendship but i dont wanna let her think im not may say just talk to her,but its hard to do with anxiety issues,i always have 5000 worst case scenarios going on in my head and it stops me from asking her...i don't know what to do,she always is over at my house,shell occasionally touch my arm or lay right next to me and we'll play games on her phone,she always plays with her lipsl rings and makes eye contact..but then she'll call me dumb or say im gross or something along those lines,i think shes putting up a front but i honestly have no clue what to do..halp??

  • #2
    Don't worry; we've got your back. Several killer effective strategies exist that you can put to use to turn this woman into your girlfriend. Keep reading to find out these secrets and reach deadly, mind-blowing results in an instant.

    Go From Friend To Girlfriend - How To Turn A Friend Into Your Lover!

    1. Inner Changes. First and foremost, you need to change things inside of you. To begin, if you wish to stop being nothing but a friend, you need to stop seeing her as a friend, as well.

    This sounds easy, but it is actually profound. Take her as a girlfriend, and start treating her like one. This will completely change the way she views you since this will show in your overall body language and words. Try it out; it is highly effective!

    2. Outer Changes. Now you need to stop doing everything that friends tend to do. For instance, quit having hour-long conversations. This means you have to seem like you are always busy and have to prioritize time for things that are more important than her.

    3. Subtle Strategies. The minute you have nailed these inner and outer changes, it would be time to get dirty and make use of several subtle strategies to make that change from friend to lover.

    One such subtle method would be hypnosis. Morality aside, hypnosis would be a highly powerful way to reframe her mind and persuade her into treating you like a possible lover instead of just a friend. One tool of hypnosis, known as fractionation, is famous for having the ability to make women fall for men in less than fifteen minutes after use. Extremely powerful, yet highly controversial at the same time.


    • #3
      While it is certainly more difficult to make a friend into a girlfriend, there is a chance of it happening if you go about it the right way. Just, whatever you do, do not tell her how you feel about her without first leading up to it, or otherwise she will most certainly think you are just being silly.

      Being nice is probably what made you friends in the first place, but it is also what makes it impossible for you to move towards a romantic relationship. You need to flirt more to spark an interest. Challenge her, disagree with her and joke around with her to start with. After a while you can supplement it with plenty of eye contact. As you do this, gradually introduce physical contact whenever you meet. Make it seem harmless and non-sexual, but playful rather than unintentional. Good examples are tickling her or poking her playfully in the side. However be careful not to annoy her. Consider more caring gestures if she is not into messing around, such as a protective hand on her back as you are crossing a major street.

      Now is the time to start getting into her head. Spend lots of time with her for a while, maintaining the flirting routine, but then withdraw on a pretext or another. Repeat however many times you feel is appropriate. Most likely she will miss the attention, which in turn makes her think about you.

      This is the point at which you may let your intentions be known, though you might want to let her be the one to move your relationship to the next level so as to not risk ruining your friendship. Good job if it works out. If not, console yourself in knowing that friendships are often not meant to become romantic relationships.


      • #4

        Problem resolved...
        she dropped all the signs earlier,i went in for the kill and got shot down quicker than a plane flown by isis members over a us base..
        needless to say,there went a 12+yr friendship..atleast i still have my sense of humor

