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What does he want?



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  • What does he want?

    October 17 was supposed to be our (my ex) 3rd anniversary. it's been a month since we broke up.. we had no communication at all. but i sent him a message that day (october 17) asking how is he. he answered and we talked. it was a very casual talk. after that conversation, we did not chat ever again but after 1 week, he saw me one time at the church. he came to me and he said hello. i said hey and then i told him i have to go already. days after that, he's sending me messages. not everyday tho. he will just pm me when i post something and he'll ask something about it. that's all. we don't communicate everyday.. but i feel like everytime he sends me a pm, he really just want to talk to me because why would he chat me all of a sudden right? i just want to ask if there is a possibility that he'll court me back? i feel like i am already hoping.. is that okay? and if he really came back, what should i do? how will i talk to him? how should i act?

    thank you in advance..

  • #2
    Being in the "my ex-boyfriend still text me" situation can be very flattering and confusing at the same time. If you are sure that you want him back, then you must know how to read the message behind his text. Look for the signs that he wants you back and learn how to respond appropriately. But the question is this: how will you tell him that you feel the same way too without feeling guilty for what you've done?

    Saying how sorry you are doesn't have to be difficult especially, when your ex-boyfriend has already begun to show signs that he wants you back. Here are some things that you can do once he starts texting you.

    Tip #1: Send Simple Replies

    Usually, you will find your ex-boyfriend texting you out of the blue. Yes, it may feel awkward, but this is the perfect situation for those women who are waiting for their ex-lovers to contact them. If you are one of these women, you need to send him simple replies like "ok", "yes", "good" and so on. Sending long messages will give your ex-boyfriend the idea that you miss him so badly which makes him confident enough to think that he can get you whenever he want.

    Tip #2: Read Between the Lines

    This can be difficult as your instincts may be clouded with too much emotion at the moment. But there is a simple trick to this. If he suddenly says "I'm just checking how you are", this means he is thinking of about you. If his text says "When can I get the things I left in your apartment," don't take this message seriously as he is not serious about it either. He is just making excuses to see you or talk to you. Don't reply to his text messages immediately. You need to think about his real motive and the reasons why he is suddenly interested in you. Don't fall for his trap, instead, learn to manipulate his game.

    Tip #3: Ignore Your Ex-Boyfriend

    If you really want him back, you must do your best in ignoring his lame attempts of contacting you. This is not easy for a woman who wants her ex-boyfriend back, but ignoring him will help you pique his interest. Not sending replies for his text messages will drive him crazy. Because you gained his interest back, he is no longer satisfied with sending text messages and calling your number. Your ex-boyfriend will now do his best to get a date with you.

    Tip #4: Go Out on a Date

    After sending short replies to his text messages and sometimes ignoring him, give him a chance and go out on a date. During your date, make sure that your conversation is light - and subtly remind him of the wonderful things that you shared together.

    Don't panic if your ex-boyfriend still texts you. This is the best chance to win him back so don't waste it. Starting to learn the techniques and methods of winning his interest back begins with these four tips.


    • #3

      It helps to know how guys behave when they are still interested, that's why I've outlined the signs for you to watch for and see if your ex boyfriend still cares.

      Signs he has feelings for you:
      1. He initiates contact. If he phones you, texts, emails or stops by this definitely shows he still cares. Usually after a break-up most men feel awkward around their ex and try to avoid her. He may use the "let's stay friends" card as an excuse to contact you.
      2. He asks your advice. This may not seem that obvious to you, but he was used to consulting you about things and asking you for your opinion and advice. Now he doesn't have that close tie with anyone and still feels that desire to communicate with you when he needs help or advice.
      3. He brings up the past. When he seems to feel the need to bring up past events and try to explain things it's an indication that he does have feelings still.
      4. He's keeping tabs on you. He may ask your friends, just happen to show up where you are, or even talk to you himself. It just seems he has to know what's going on in your life - he is not ready to let go.
      5. He wants to know if you are dating. When you can tell that he is anxious about this or seems upset when the answer is yes, then you know that he still loves you. Otherwise he would be glad to know that you are moving on.

      Hopefully your ex is showing some of the signs that he still cares. While it is exciting to see your boyfriend exhibiting these signs, you need to follow the right steps if you want to win him back and be careful not to move too quickly.

