I am a divorced man in my late 40's currently dating a latina with a 7-year old son. I want to know how to impress 7-year old boys nowadays seeing as I’ve never had any children of my own.
Backstory: My first marriage ended badly because I married a woman impulsively. She had all the red flags that I should have seen right from the start. We would make love passionately and we would fight just as hard. However, all that passion couldn't save our marriage. I'm determined to make my second marriage a success.
I met my girlfriend on a sort of dating site from AFA. It's kind of a funny story. It was during a moment of weakness that I actually considered getting myself a mail order bride. I couldn't help being curious about what’s in the site. I went to find out if there was any bidding or transactions for brides. Turns it there isn't, but it did not stop me from browsing profiles.
I saw my girlfriend for the first time on the site and took to a liking to her immediately. There was something inside me that told me she and I would get along great. I wasn't wrong. We have similar personalities and priorities.
There are dozens of stereotypes about dating single mothers and a few friends tried to discourage me. I want to take a chance with this woman and I wanna do it right. That means to be a role model for her son and start by impressing him.
Her son is not into sports, but he likes video games. Back in my day, what fathers did with their sons was play sports. I'm not a sporty person myself and I'm not into computers either. How can I start breaking the ice with the son? Any ideas? Please help me.