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Managers Interests



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  • Managers Interests

    Lately a manager from another department has been paying more attention to me than usual. Yesterday he complimented my work, something he’s never done. Then he said I had a beautiful smile which really surprised me. He also seemed off and not as focused as he usually is. He told me yesterday that he usually is professional and keeps a professional distance but with me it’s different but didn’t say why. He was serious, spoke in a low tone and wouldn’t look at me. I’m very surprised by this and don’t want to misunderstand. Could he be interested in me?

  • #2
    You already have the answer to your question, he is obviously interested in you.

    However, I will advice you don't make any move towards him now, let him be the one to initiate the process of a relationship.


    • #3

      Do you really want to be sure of his feelings for you? Are you afraid that you are reading too much in his behavior and getting your hopes up? Well, here are some wonderful ways to read his expressions and know whether he likes you or not!

      Look deep into his eyes
      If you find that it is pretty easy to look into his eyes, it means that he is not afraid to meet your eyes and has nothing to hide. This is a good sign! If he likes you he will look at you square in the eyes and will show his interest. There is a certain look that will come into his eyes that will tell you that he thinks you are special. You will recognize that look when you start to blush!

      His body language will give him away!
      No matter how cool and collected he sounds when he talks to you, he will give himself away in some way or the other. If he is shy, he will probably turn beet red at the thought of talking to you. He will shuffle his feet and sweat bullets! All you got to do is learn to read the signs!

      He looks livid when another guy approaches you
      This is one of the most common expressions that give him away. If he likes you, he will hate another guy hitting on you. The moment you intercept a look of murderous rage when he looks at the other guy, you should know that he likes you and is being possessive about you!

      You find him underfoot all the time!
      Nobody need tell you that he likes you if he acts like your shadow! If you find him always near you, willing to help you with stuff, opening doors for you, bringing you little gifts you should know that all these are expressions of love and devotion and you should be in no doubt about his feelings towards you.

      Does he talk too much around you?
      Sometimes a guy is tongue-tied around the women he loves and others talk too much! Either way it shows that her presence affects him in a special way. You should watch closely and see if he is trying to tell you something without actually saying it out loud. In time you will pick up clues that will confirm his feelings.

      Does he get physical with you?
      Sometimes if a boy likes a girl he automatically tries to get as close to her as possible. If your guy sidles up to you and is constantly trying to touch you - he definitely likes you. However, it would be wise to know whether he is just interested in sex before you encourage him any further. He will constantly express his interest by touching and caressing you.

      Expressions like smiles, smoldering eye contact etc are indicators
      When he tries to tell you of his interest he will do so by singling you out amongst the crowd and holding you captive with his smile and eye contact. This will be followed by an attempt to get closer to you.

