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Work and...married guy



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  • Work and...married guy

    New guy that just recently started at my job looks at me and blushes...(cannt lie i started to blush too )...He was like couple of rows next to me and instead of looking at his computer i noticed he was staring at me for a long time...we just introduced each other and realized i was from his home country...he tries to catch my attention every time...and i smiled back too and yes i blushed...he looks straight at me and at lunch time he sitted on one ocasion next to me when he could sit next to several other people and asked me so many questions about my life...i told him my situation and he was honest...he is freshly married less than a year and wants to setlle down....but wanted to know so much about it alright to be friends with a married man ?

  • #2
    Friends, yes. Nothing more.


    • #3
      There is nothing wrong with being friends with a married guy, but ensure it doesn't extend beyond friends.


      • #4
        I will advice you don't become friends with him, because you might eventually begin to have feelings for him and thereby leaving you hurt since he's married. You can just have a co-worker relationship with him and nothing more.


        • #5
          Would you want to be the wife to the man who has a work friend he treats like you. Probably not. Set a boundary with him and let him know that you think he is nice but want to only have a strict work relationship. Based upon what you said it seems like chemistry exists and you would be walking into a trap.


          • #6
            He tells me how nice i look and but is acting strange around me when we are with other coworkers.. Very outgoing and chatty with them and kind of quiet with he saw me walking by his boss desk where i asked a work question and he smiled happy and joked,, are you moving to our team"?...then later on he passed my work site on the other way of work room and looked at me briefly and smiled...just wonder whats going on...


            • #7
              Blushing and smiling? You may be attracted to each other. I would be friendly with him, but try to ignore the staring and smiling. He's married. You don't need that kind of trouble in your life, and neither does he.


              • Speranta18
                Speranta18 commented
                Editing a comment
                Banshee,i noticed as well that today when i walked to pick up my things from the locker at work ,his friend saw me and kind of winked at him to let him know i was there ...wonder whats up with that too...

            • #8
              That sounds creepy, Speranta. Maybe the guy has been talking to your co-worker.


              • #9
                Well,Banshee even my girl buddy noticed that theres lots of tension between us and saw him looking at me and did not even think he was married...i ll keep ya posted


                • #10
                  Sounds good, Speranta. My husband was once my coworker. I had a huge crush on him but he was married so that was that. BUT he never even flirted with anyone at the office or did anything creepy. He was friendly to everyone but not inappropriately so. Years later his wife passed away. A few years after that we were married.


                  • #11
                    Thank you...i respect that Banshee.And a beautiful love story for you too...we dont really talk to each other when are people around


                    • #12
                      I didnt talk much to him when I was working where he was, Esparanta. I was so shy I could hardly look him in the eye.


                      • #13
                        Im very shy when we around people...he is too.we dont look at each other when we sitting close next to people ..we act strange...just when we cross paths alone or briefly when no one looks


                        • #14
                          Well, be careful. I wrote off my married co-worker when I found it he was married. First, I had done the MM thing briefly when I was young and stupid and just ended up feeling like a horrible person. But more importantly, he wasn't interested in me, or anyone who wasn't his wife. He was friendly, but never flirted with the women in the office. The attraction was only on my end. So I went ahead and had my own life, dated guys, did all the normal things single women did. I was going to night school where I met some nice guys.
                          It's nice to have a crush, but hold on to your heart if the guy isn't free.


                          • #15

                            Wonder why he is so quiet when we around people. .

